'The Master of Death' - I

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His gaze falls upon a hooded floating figure, not a dementor, then who?

"Master, I've been known by different names but most know of me as 'Death'" Death speaks in his cool tone.
Harry openly gapes at Death as he continues speaking. "And you are in what your kind would say 'the in-between' or in the space between the Realm of Life and Death.

"Why am I here? And please stop calling me 'Master' call me Harry" Are the only words he could get out.
'Why was he here? Why was Death paying him a visit? Wasn't he supposed to pass on? And Why was Death of all calling him 'Master'?' He began thinking.

"Because you are the Master of Death Harry...you have mastered all my Hallows, The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone and The Elder Wand. Which no one else up till now has succeeded in doing."

Harry sits down on a nearby bench with a thousand thoughts running in his mind.
'He was the Master of Death? Yes he was, his father's cloak, the stone, the wand the had claimed them as his before he died.'
While thinking this, a cold boney hand came to rest upon his head which ran their fingers through his hair in a comforting gesture. He felt himself shiver from the contact but also lean into the touch a soft sigh escaping his lips. This was the most caring gesture he's been given in a while, it was not a bone crushing hug by Mrs. Weasley or Hermonie, nor was it the feel of pain which Vernon or Petunia would give him, it felt different and he liked it.
He felt all the tension leave his body, which was uncommon for him from being on high alert since he was sent to the Dursleys, since then he found himself to not be able to relax completely.

"Death? What's this?" He murmured in a low voice not being able to grasp these feelings.
"This is our magic it has bonded us in a way hence the calming effect, Harry you are my Master and I think that my Master shouldn't worry himself like this, by incompetent adults in his life." Death stated in a matter-of-a-factly way.

Harry nodded and asked "Death so does that mean we share powers? And what can these powers do?"
"Anything you wish for it to do Harry, from time travel, traveling to different universes to changing your appearance it can do it all" Death said while his boney hand rested on Harry's shoulder now instead of his unruly mop of hair.
"My appearance? So yours can change too?" Harry asks curiously.
"Yes Harry, I do have two forms this one is my true form," Death changed into his human form, he look to be in his twenties, charcoal black hair which seemed to shimmer in the rays of light which danced upon his hair, well structured face not quiet chiseled or sharp but not chubby or round either. On his face rested rectangular framed glasses, though he didn't need them he liked to wear them. He had a mid toned skin colour though it was on the warmer tone. He was quite tall above 6 feet, he wore a black turtleneck with a brown overcoat, well fitted black trousers and some plain loafers. He looked charming to say the least. "- And this is my human form." He finished his sentence while inspecting his nails which were painted black.

Harry was quiet stunned to be honest. He didn't expect Death of all to look like this. He looked handsome and his voice is very nice too its smoo-. Harry quickly wiped away the thoughts from his head. And instead chose to say "Time travel? I can go to the past?" Death replied "Yes you can Harry, to whichever time you choose to and you will still be the Master of Death."
Harry thought for a moment before replying with a grin on his normally distraught face"Wouldn't it be cool to fuck Dumbledore over? I don't know about Voldemort but I'd like to go back in time just to mess with him!"
Death chuckled at his Masters use of swearing before replying "We could do that Harry, 'fuck him over' in your kind words to him." Harry looked shocked a bit at a diety swearing but dismissed it quickly. "Can you take me back a week before my Hogwarts letter arrived please?" Harry asked just as he smelled something soothing like lavender and earthy tones mixed with parchment and mint. He closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. "What's that fragrance Death? It smells nice..." He muttered quietly. Death chuckled and replied calmly "It's my cologne Harry, thank you for the compliment though. And you can refer to me as 'Damien' when I am in my human form, as Death seems a little weird."
Harry thought to himself, how much more can he embarrass himself? "No problem Dea- Damien." He replied trying to calm himself down. Quickly changing the akward subject on hand he said "How do we time travel now?"
"Don't worry, I can apparate us there." Damien replied.

He offered his hand to Harry to hold onto. Harry stepped forward and took Damiens hand in his which was soft and a bit rough at the same time in his hold, before being engulfed by darkness.

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