'Accepting and Adopting' - VII

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Harry twisted and turned the whole night that day. Flashes from his previous life didn't not let him sleep.
'Take Harry Lily! Go! Leave my Harry alone! Avada Kadavara! You have to kill him Harry...you have to die...You freak! *snap* the belt goes. Another *snap*'
Harry woke up in cold sweat, tears sprung in his eyes as he sat up. He didn't feel like seeing his parents die again and again nor did he want to hear that snap of his Uncles belt. He heasantly layed back onto the bed and rubbed away the tears
He was being a big baby, not that he was allowed from the start anyway.

He lay with his eyes wide open, unable to sleep. He cast a quick wandless and wordless Tempus. It was 4:46 am, he didn't want to bother Damien about his sleeping problems. But Damien being Death he sensed his Masters discomfort long ago. He was waiting for Harry to approach him first.

Harry reluctantly called for Damien, 'Damien? Are you awake?' Which was a stupid question to ask on his part but the reply left him feel ease in a way, 'I have been awake as long as you have Harry, I've been waiting for you to tell me about your nightmares and how you have trouble sleeping.' Just as he finished his sentence he smoked into the room in a puff of black smoke. "Hello Harry." He walked up to Harry's bed. "Hi." Harry replied meekly. Damien took a seat at the edge of the bed and ran his hand through Harry's hair. Harry closed his eyes at the familiar touch.

"Sorry I stalled in calling you..." "It's no problem Harry, I want you to be as comfortable as you can be around me. Not second thoughts or doubts from your part. You can tell me anything. I'm here for you, not just as Death, a servant, or even a diety. I am here for you as a friend and a mentor who you can trust completely." Damien assured. Harry seemed to ogle at him for a moment before composing himself quickly as he could.

He nodded in reply and layed there for a moment before talking. "I had a dream about my parents..and Uncle Vernon..and Dumbledore.." "I saw the dream from your eyes Harry. No need to explain, I understand." He ran his hand through Harry unruly mop of hair. Harry sighed and gave Damein a little smile that he did not have to remind himself of what he saw. Damien's hand calmed Harry through their bond. Slowly Harry dozed off and fell into the land of Morpheus. Damien looked at the troubled child and wonder why had his sister, Fate had been so cruel to the boy and Destiny who led him to his moments. Without giving much thought to the topic Damien again, placed a routinely kiss on Harry's brow and left.

He sat in his room he could not sleep after seeing his Harry so troubled.
Everyone of those people will pay. After Harry's parents had died they has made one wish before passing on in the afterlife.
To keep their baby safe at the hands of evil clutches. At that time he dismissed having to intervene in a child's life who was only a year old and led the parents to the afterlife. Much has changed from then until now. He will make countless vows to his parents that he will keep Harry James Potter safe.

He strolled in the kitchen to make himself an very early breakfast consisting of French Toast and a cup of coffee and saved some for Harry too for when he woke up.
After breakfast he strolled to Harry's bedroom to check on him just to find out the boy was asleep and in deep slumber. Damien chuckled to himself and took in the adorable sight that was Harry. When the first sight those green orbs when he and Harry learned the truth after he died, they were...unnerving and scarred. Now, back was at least half the little boy he was supposed to be.
He's still accepting the sudden changes and adopting to his new life. Soon they will turn this world right side up before anything goes wrong. There's atill a problem with Voldemort and his Horcruxes that thing is still inside Harry and he could take it out but that thing has interwoven it's soul in Harry's which was an odd thing he hadn't seen before. He took a seat in a nearby armchair while he waited Harry to wake up. Speaking of Voldemort, his plans and ambition was not clear to him. He only started to keep a watch on him from when he was sixteen and created his first Horcrux.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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