'Diagon Alley' - IV

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Harry woke up with a painful headache. But then he felt warm hands caressing his hair and temple, massaging him. It felt nice, a soft sigh escaped his lips as his headache vanished slowly.

"Damien?" Came out his slightly slurred voice from sleep. "Good morning Harry, sleep well?". "Mhm.." came a muffled response from Harry. All while leaning into Damien's hand more, as Damien chuckled at him.
"Come on Harry...sit up straight for me I need to examine your wounds and bruises." Harry's mood seemed to dim down at the mention of yesterday's events. "Sorry Damien about yesterday..I wasn't being a big bother was I?" Harry muttered quietly while refusing to make eye contact with Damien.

"Nonsense, you aren't a bother nor a burden to me and never will be..." Damien reassured him gently. Harry nodded, the feeling of being reassured and to be fully depending on someone being completely foreign to him. And a tint of pink covered his cheeks at Damien's confession, though he forced himself to calm down quickly.

"Don't forget to call me when you need me or are in trouble ok?" Damien said softly while ruffling Harry's hair. Harry took off the covers off his now fragile body and allowed Damien to examine him. He felt his face heat up a little going unnoticed by Damien, when Damien caressed the bones of his ribs with the warm palms of his hand to make sure they don't hurt anymore, when asked Harry shook his head and told him that his body just feels stiff nothing too serious.

After all was deemed ok Harry freshened up and took a shower and changed 'his' clothes, while Damien waited for him in the dining area. Upon arriving Harry picked up the letter that he left the previous day and examined it. He opened the letter to come across the familiar elegant scribble of the Hogwarts letter which was written by a special self writing quill with the familiar green ink.

The smell of parchment and ink was inhaled by him as soon as he opened the letter. The smoothness of the parchment felt nice under his fingertips, but not as nice as Dam-. He cut the thought short and read the list. "Harry please do eat your pancakes before they get cold.". "Yes mum." came a teasing reply from Harry. Damien smiled at his anatics before cutting his own chocolate pancakes and taking a bite. He made sure to lick the chocolate off the knife, Harry's face turned a shade of cherry, this reaction of Harry to which he remained oblivious, thankfully. Harry finished his own delicious chocolate pancakes quickly. And asked "We've got to go shopping today don't we?" Damian hummed in response. "Can we not come back again when we leave for shopping?" Harry asked in a small voice. "Of course Harry, whatever you wish..." Damien replied in a fond tone which made Harry melt from the inside.

"Harry we don't have to come back if you don't want to, we could stay at one of your properties your lordships can still be taken as you are currently over 16 from the previous timeline. You have not claimed them in the previous life, so we can do that while we shop." Harry nodded in agreement. "We should take our leave then?". "Of course Harry." Damien replied. As he wisked them away in a puff of black smoke to later appear in the Leaky Cauldron in a corner. After landing Harry asked "Can they see you?". "They could if I wanted them to, I can always introduce myself as 'Damien Mortimer' your magical mentor." Damien chuckled. "That'd be wonderful actually, can you? I don't want to be alone." He said the last few words quietly.

Damien nodded understanding Harry perfectly, and made himself visible to accompany Harry.
Together they walked to the brick wall and without tapping the brick the wall opened for them. Harry raised an eyebrow at this but Damien just smiled at him and gestured Harry to enter first then entering himself as the wall closed behind them.
Harry, no matter how many times he set foot in Diagon Alley it never failed to amaze him. His bright green eyes roamed everywhere and drank in the sight of the beautiful view. Damien watched Harry with a fond expression while Harry was looking visibly excited at the view of Diagon Alley before it's destruction in the war. "Shall we move on Harry?" Harry nodded and grinned at Damien. They strolled through the Alley, their first stop Gringotts Bank.

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