'A Letter' - III

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Harry opened his eyes from his last slumber. And stretched- Damien thought he was behaving quiet like a cat, to which Harry denied all claims off. It had been a few days since he returned to the Dursley household.
Damien he thought was a wonderful distraction from the hell that was the Dursleys.
They often spend their time chatting about their plans while Damian sat in a armchair beside his bed or just a witty banter between them. Sometimes Damien even tutored him about magic and all its kind, he was doing quiet well if he said so himself. He liked it especially when Damien complemented him on his progress. They were forming a friendship slowly but surely.
It was refreshing from the constant pain in his arse that were his relatives. They talked about his letter that was going to arrive today, by all means he had to be carefully and sneaky.

Harry went on to freshen up and later changed into 'his' oversized clothes after a warm bath in his new mini apartment inside his cupboard. And had breakfast with Damien on his round dining table which was small but did it's job and was Harry's favourite piece of furniture aside from the bed and comfy armchairs.

It had floral engravings that Harry liked, when Damien was told about this he magically engraved floral pattens on every wooden surface in the vicinity. To which Harry ogled about for the rest of the day.

After the filling breakfast with Damien Harry went about doing his chores which his relatives 'kindly requested' for him to do.
After cooking breakfast he thought "Damien the letter's going to be here anytime now." To which Damien replied "Be careful Harry please dont get caught...don't let your whale of a Uncle find out about it..". "I will Damien don't worry!" Just as their conversation ended the doorbell rang.
"It must be the mail boy! Go get it!" His Uncle demanded. Harry calmly strode towards the door and picked up the bunch of letters and swiftly slipped the one addressed to him in the pocket of his pants with his nimble fingers and returned to his Uncle to give him the rest like nothing happened.

And went about to do his chores. After returning to his cupboard in the evening he placed the letter on his dining table and left it there. He would take a look at it later it would stay safe in there rather than his pocket. He still had the garden to weed.

Just as he stepped out of the house his face paled visibly. Dudley and his gang were waiting for him it seems. He dreaded 'Harry Hunting'. He didn't look back, he ran where his knobby legs could take him. Ran until he was exhausted and tripped on a pile of mud on the playground. He could feel that they were cowering over him. He could think straight not anymore. He became to panicked.

[Warning- Bullying/Abuse]

He was shaken out of his thoughts by a kick to his ribs. He could see who it was his glasses fell off when he tripped. He could hear laughter ringing in his ears. Kicks, punches, slaps to his face and his warm blood trickling down his wounds and the tears in his eyes flowing steadily were all he could register. When all off it blurred even more and dizziness took over him and he fainted.

[Scene over]

When he woke up it was evening, about 6:00 p.m. The first thing he felt was immense pain in his ribs and the rest of his body. He was shaking he could tell, he couldn't defend himself yet again.
Trauma doesn't go away does it? There was a pang in his chest. He wanted to cry. He thought before realizing that he actually was. Tears slipping over his bruised cheeks, the saltiness of the tears burning the wounds on his cheeks. He hiccuped. And then he remembered Damien. Why didn't he call for Damien? He was too panicked to call him then. "D-Damien?" He whispered hiccuping. Damien appeared in a puff of black smoke, "Yes Harry? Someth-" His words got cut of as he registered the sight in front of him. It absolutely shattered his heart.
"Damien!" Harry exclaimed in a wobbly voice. "Harry! What happened? How-" his words got cut of again as Harry slowly crawled to him tugging on his trousers while crying and hiccuping. "Oh dear, Who did this to you Harry?" He muttered while picking Harry's small body into his arms. Harry didn't care if he seemed the weakest person on earth.

It was just too much for him the pain, the fear of being beaten, everything scared him. Harry fisted Damiens shirt into his small hands and tried to open his mouth to say something but nothings but choked sobs decided to emit. "D-Damien it h-urts so much! D-Dudley he-" He cried burying his face into Damiens chest hiccuping. He felt a comforting hand run through his hair and the other hoisting him up. "Shh...Harry let's get you patched up..." Damien couldn't stand to see Harry like this, he quickly apparated them into Harry's cupboard. And put up more silencing charms even though he already had when he had transformed it, just to make sure, just as he set foot in the space.

Harry's vision was blurred by constant tears and his hearing by his own cries and hiccups. His chest hurt so much... Damien sat him down on his bed carefully as not to hurt him any more. "Shhh..Harry don't cry, I'm here aren't I? I'll make it all better ok?" Damien said in a soothing and fond voice while cupping his swollen cheeks wiping his tears.
Damien ran a quick diagnosis charm on Harry. He was seething from the inside. Who hurt dare Harry? He will personally make sure they will pay, he has a special place in hell for them. After casting it it showed that Harry had suffered various amounts of fractures in various places.

Damien clicked his fingers and a box of wizarding first-aid kit appeared in his hands. "D-Damien..it hurts" Harry hiccuped. "I know Harry, you'll be better than before in no time!" Damien replied in a low comforting tone while running his hands through Harry's hair, a habit of his that he's fallen into over time. Harry leaned into the touch, releasing the last of his hiccups. He felt Damien apply healing salves on the bruises and wounds and found a potion vile pressed against his lips and found himself drinking different potions, some of them which were bitter in taste, but he couldn't care less at the moment, he was too tired. "This one's the last one ok? It's a skele grow potion" Harry picked his nose close and forcefully gulped it down.

After a few moments he felt seering hot pain course through his entire body and felt his bones snap into place one by one. He had experienced this in his second year before but it doesn't make it less painful. He felt tears bubbling to the corners of his eyes and drip down his cheeks again. He was carefully pulled into a embrace by Damien, Who whispered sweet nothings into his ear and wiped his tears until it was over.

He didn't even realize when he fell asleep or when Damien tucked him into bed again nor did he notice when Damien kissed his forehead and wished him a goodnight.

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