'The Dursleys' - II

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He opened his again, taking in the smell of dust and dirt which was burning his lungs. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and searched for his glasses. As he put them on he remembered the events that lead up to him being here. "Damien?" He thought. "Yes Harry?". "Wait you can talk with me through my mind?". "Yes I can Harry" The voice of Damien replied in his head.

Suddenly he heard the loud rapping on his cupboard door. "Damn it, I'm stuck in my cupboard again...". "Don't worry Harry I'm here to keep you company aren't I? And you are the Master of Death you don't have to cower because of these muggles again...".
The voice of Damien reverberateed in his head. Harry went on to reply but it was cut short due to the loud banging of his cupboard door.
He stepped out of his cupboard, when the loud screech of his banshee of an Aunt startled him. "What took you so long, boy?" "Nothing Aunt Petunia..." He replied.
"Cook the breakfast." She said curtly. "Yes Aunt Petunia." Though he was the Master of Death the confidence in him seemed to die down. He was used to keeping a low profile in front of his relatives. How could he not? When they hand out punishments to him like candy.
He snapped out of his thoughts and cooked them breakfast while standing up on a stool. He seemed to have forgotten how short he was as a child. Out of years of practice he quickly served them breakfast. Just as his Uncles loud voice boomed across the dining area.

"Boy! Get the trash out and weed the garden!". "Yes Uncle Vernon..." He said quietly as he went to take out the trash. As the walked he could hear his stomach rumble. He lifted up the heavy trash bag and put it in the dustbin outside and made a move towards the garden. He sat down behind a nearby bush. "Damien, I'm hungry..." Just as the words left his lips he found a sandwich in a plate neatly made in his lap. "Here you go Harry. And please do not be afraid to ask me for food, I don't want you to starve..." He said in a fond tone. Harry nodded and quickly started to eat as he still had to weed the garden, he could do it with magic but his relatives would get suspicious.

He remembered the time when his Uncle had locked him in the cupboard for a full day after their trip from the zoo because of his accidental magic. After he finished eating, he weeded the garden, and he dreaded what would come next because dear Duddykins had just arrived from school.
He quickly finished up weeding the garden and went back into the house. There he found Dudley wailing and tugging his Aunts dress. "But Mummy! I want that game now! Everyone has it and I want it too!" His Aunt replied with "Don't worry Duds! We can go to the market later I'll get it for you ok?" Harry wanted to gag at such a scene but refrained from doing so.
"Boy! Make the lunch, Dudley wants, roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and peas he's hungry better make it fast and do the dishes later!" Harry did what he had to and surprisingly he got some scraps today. But it still wasn't enough and he didn't eat the left overs was he some kind of dog to throw left overs at?
Harry crawled into his cupboard and called for Damien to request him for lunch. Damien gladly conjured some filling lunch for Harry and a glass of water. "Harry are you ok? You seem exhausted...rest for some time and this cupboard seems too cramped for you Harry, here..." Damien said as he expanded the space inside the cupboard to a mini apartment.

"Damien!?" Harry yelped falling on his bum off the small cot that he slept on.
Damien materialized in front of him and replied with a chuckle "Yes Harry?" Harry fixed his still broken taped up glasses on his face having forgotten to fix them.
With a swish of Damiens hand they were fixed and he extended a hand out to Harry. Harry took his hand and stood himself up, underestimating the force he should have used to lift his still very light weight body and he ended up face planting into Damiens chest. "This day could not have gone any worse..." Harry stepped back and muttered in embarrassment "Sorry! Under estimated the force I should've used..." Damien found his behavior quiet adorable, he chuckled while ruffling Harry's hair "It's ok Harry!" Harry seemed embarrassed at the show of affection because he was not used to it.

"Thank you for making this hell hole a bit better Damien!" Harry said as he looked around his new room. "But my relatives won't notice this right?" Damien replied "No they wouldn't Harry, I've made it so that it still looks like the inside of your cupboard from the outside."
"Oh I have a proper bed now! It's been months I've slept on a bed I haven't since the Horcrux hunt!" Harry said running to the bedroom and flopping face first into the soft cloud-like bed. Damien followed and chuckled quietly at the sight.
"Thank you so much!" Harry said. "No problem Harry, you deserve it." By the time he finished his sentence Harry was out like a light. Snoring softly into the sheets. Damien smiled at the adorable sight before tucking Harry into bed. Brushing his hair out of his face.

Damien would deny it to anyone that he kissed Harry's forehead before vanishing into black smoke.

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