Chapter IV

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In the meantime, Biedronka managed to get there and fix everything. Then he and Chat Noir went their separate ways. Hawk Moth, on the other hand, stood furious in his hiding place and tried to communicate with Nathalie.
-Mayura?! Mayura?! Are you there?! Ehhh... she probably didn't manage to catch Ladybug and now she's not talking. Or maybe... what if something happened to her?! Maybe Ladybug hurt her?! Or did she faint?! She told me that she was starting to feel dizzy!!! I have to find her!
Hawk Moth ran around Paris for almost 3 hours looking for Nathalie. It was already dark, night had come, the rain was falling harder. Cold, exhausted, sick, exhausted and furious, Nathalie wandered around the city looking for a way back. She was terribly angry with Gabriel. Theoretically, she could transform into Mayura. By jumping over buildings, it would be much easier for her to find her way back. But she no longer had the strength to use it. This brooch drained all her strength and the kwami himself was very hungry. In addition, her phone died and the only solution was to find her own way. At night, in the dark and in the rain, nothing could be seen.

It was already about 11 p.m. when Gabriel returned home devastated. He hadn't been able to find Nathalie and he was terribly worried about her.
-It's my fault. - he cried. - If I hadn't been so stubborn and listened to her, this wouldn't have happened. And what will I do now?
The man sat in an armchair and despaired. Several minutes passed when the door to the residence opened with a bang. Gabriel looked up and saw Nathalie. All soaked, she looked at her boss with dead, angry eyes. Then she unrolled her bun and let her hair down, which by the way was all wet too. Standing in front of the entrance, she wrung the water out of her hair, causing a huge puddle to form on the floor. Then she gave Gabriel a short, angry look and slowly started up the stairs. When the man saw her, he immediately jumped up. However, he did not approach the assistant, but stood there and carefully watched her every move. The moment the woman stood in front of him, he felt something unusual, something he had never felt before. What he saw before his eyes was not Nathalie - his ordinary, obedient, organized assistant, but a completely different person, from this side he didn't know her yet. The dominance, anger, wrath and power that were visible on her face at that moment made Gabriel's heart beat faster. As she stood there, all wet, red and nervous, the man was simply speechless. It took him a moment to regain rational thought when Nathalie was already on the stairs. Then he shouted:
-Nathalie, wait! - The woman stopped and slightly tilted her head towards him. - Can we talk for a moment. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I didn't want to endanger you, I just exaggerated a bit, but I was really afraid for you. I know you're mad at me, but I'll try to fix it somehow...
The woman just looked, turned her head and replied briefly - That's not what we agreed... - then she staggered slightly on the stairs, grabbed the railing and went up to her room. She locked herself, slamming the door first, of course.

Gabriel noticed that there was something strange in her behavior, she couldn't balance while walking and was constantly swaying. Without thinking too much, he ran after her. He knocked on the door. Unfortunately, she didn't want to let him in. -Nathalie, please, this is about your health.
-For my health, right? - a voice answered him from behind the door. - It's a pity you didn't care about him before. -I know, I acted like a fool, but please give me one more chance. I'll fix everything.
-Not after the way you treated me! -I know, I did wrong, but let me help you. I saw you didn't look your best. Someone should take care of you.
-I can take care of myself. Gabriel saw that Nathalie would not be convinced, so he only replied briefly - fine, but take care of yourself, I'm worried... - and left. These words brought a small blush to the woman's cheeks.
-How nice he is suddenly... - she thought. In the meantime, Gabriel, although it was already late at night, instead of going to sleep, went into his office and sat in the chair. His heart was still beating fast. He felt some new emotions about Nathalie.
-What's happening to me... - he thought. - She looked so phenomenal, her anger on her face, that look... her eyes are so beautiful... and her hair, even though it was all wet, shone so wonderfully... did I... did I fall in her? I fell in love...? NO. No it is not possible. And if... if not, then why when I think about her I want to hug her with all my strength, I want to defend her and look at her, at all her emotions. She's so gorgeous... - Gabriel felt himself blush even more. Then he opened the safe behind his wife's painting and took out a drawing that Adrien had once drawn for him when the boy was still in kindergarten. The picture was of him, Emilie and their son. It was signed "my family" at the top. Gabriel stared at the drawing for a long time and one thought swirled in his head, the words that Adrien had said to him the day before: "If you feel happy with her, then in my humble opinion she is part of our family."

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