Chapter VIII

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One afternoon, as Gabriel was leaving his office, he noticed Nathalie sitting in her chair, staring at her phone, deeply absorbed in some thought.
-Everything's all right? - He asked.
-Hmm...? - the woman only now noticed her boss standing over her. - ah yes, everything's fine...
-Yes, yes.
-I can see that something is bothering you. - he replied, then sat down next to her. - Well, actually... I wanted to ask you something...
-I listen carefully.
-My friend invited me ice skating on Thursday...
-Oh, great, you should go. You're still working hard, you could use a little fun.
-Yes... but you have to come with an accompanying person and... I was wondering... maybe you wouldn't like to go with me...? - After these words, Nathalie turned red and tried to look away anywhere other than looking into Gabriel's eyes. However, the designer was so surprised and surprised by what he heard that he also blushed and his voice began to tremble.
-I... um... I... I'd love to go with you... if it would make you happy... Nathalie looked up abruptly.
-Really?! - the woman was very happy. She was afraid that her boss would laugh at her or simply not agree. - Thank you, it means a lot to me. - she smiled at him, then stood up, touched his arm and went back to her work. But Gabriel was still sitting there thinking:
-If she invited me ice skating, maybe she loves me then? - Maybe there's something between us? I wish it were true... I don't know, or maybe I'm just imagining it? Maybe she invited me because her love interest couldn't come... it doesn't matter, either way I'll make it an unforgettable afternoon for her. - Everything seemed to be on track, if not for one important detail that Gabriel remembered. He couldn't skate...

Thursday came and it was time to meet Nathalie's friends. The whole situation was quite stressful for both adults. Gabriel was afraid that he would look like a failure and embarrass himself and his assistant. Nathalie, on the other hand, was afraid of her friends' reaction to the fact that she invited her boss to ice skate. However, their fears were unnecessary. When the woman introduced Gabriel to her friends, they were impressed by how good a relationship she had with her boss. Then, when everyone was putting on their skates, Gabriel decided it was the right time to tell Nathalie that he didn't know how to skate.
-Yes? -Because... I... I've never skated before...
The woman stood surprised for a moment, but then she burst out laughing.
-And you're telling me this now?
-Yes... I didn't want to tell you this earlier because I was afraid of disappointing you. But now I think I'll look like a jerk in front of your friends...
-Not at all. - the woman comforted him and placed her hand on his chest. - You are very smart and you will definitely learn quickly. And I will help you with this. Gabriel felt himself slowly blushing. Nathalie gave him her hand and helped him up. Then she took him to the ice rink and showed him how to skate. First she held his hand, and then he tried to ride on his own. He fell down a few times, but of course the woman quickly helped him up. It was a wonderful and unforgettable day for the two of them. When they said goodbye to their friends and were returning home, Gabriel decided to take Nathalie for ice cream. When they approached the ice cream man Andre, he immediately looked at their hands and smiled. They were holding hands and they weren't even aware of it. While serving them ice cream, the ice cream man said:
-Strawberry like his character - extremely devoted and helpful. Lemon like his hair and of course blueberry like his eyes. And mint like her eyes, blueberry like her beautiful dark hair with a hint of strawberry to taste.
They both looked slightly surprised at the ice cream, then at each other. Then they smiled slightly at each other, thanked each other and went home. When they left, Andre looked at them for a while, and then he said to himself:
-I see that we seem to be developing a new feeling in our beloved Paris.

The next day, when the assistant was going through the mail, she suddenly heard a quiet, muffled cry. She decided to check it out. She left the office and went straight towards Adrien's room where the sound was coming from. She knocked and opened the door to see Adrien in tears. This sight worried her greatly. She sat down next to him on the bed and asked with concern and a little fear in her voice:
-Adrien, what happened?

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