Chapter XVIII

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Chat Noir started crying too.
-First I lost my mother, now Nathalie... - he thought with sadness and regret. Ladybug, on the other hand, approached the man, put her hand on his shoulder and said:
-I'm very sorry... Then Gabriel turned around abruptly, grabbed the girl's hand with a pleading gesture and said:
-I'm begging you! Give me your miraculous! I want to save her! I can't live without her!
-B-But whose life are you offering in return then?
-Own!!! As long as she lives! I'm begging you!
-Ehh... give me a moment, I have to think about it. - Ladybug said confused and disappeared around the corner.
-Please hurry... - Gabriel whispered.

Ladybug made sure no one could see her and underwent a reverse transformation.
-Tikki? What am I supposed to do now?
-I don't know, Marinette... do what your heart tells you. - replied the kwami. The girl thought for a moment, then spoke again.
-I have an idea! If each person gives up a portion of their health to help heal Nathalie, we will have enough strength to revive her and no one will die. - she suggested. - But Tikki, can you do that?
-I have no idea, Marinette. No one has ever done this before. But you have to try, maybe it will work. - the kwami encouraged her. The girl transformed into a superhero again and used the "Extraordinary Ladybug" spell. Everything was back to normal, even the Agresta house looked like before, including Emilie's incubator.
However, Nathalie was still dead. Ladybug approached Gabriel and said:
-Wait here a moment. I'll try to fix everything. - Then she left somewhere. Chat Noir, however, sat down next to Gabriel and said with tears in his eyes, forgetting that he was still transformed into a hero:
-Can we manage without her?
-We? - Gabriel said with surprise.
-Yes, dad... we... if you said you didn't love her, why are you so desperate for her
Gabriel didn't know what to answer to that. A moment ago it turned out that Chat Noir was his son. Plus, his question made more sense than any answer to it.
-I... I... I was wrong then... I love her... I love her! But I was too blind and stubborn to notice! I waited too long... I'm sorry...
-Don't worry. Ladybug for sure will fix everything.

In the meantime, the heroine went to television. There she talked about the whole situation and asked everyone to contribute something.
-Then we might be able to heal her. And we won't have to sacrifice anyone's life. Everyone will be able to help, everyone will be able to contribute. Each of you can be a hero. Please, everyone who wants to help us, gather at the Agreste residence. Then you will do a really good deed. Not only for Nathalie, but also for Mr. Gabriel Agreste, for Adrien, for Chat Noir and for me. I ask you to! - the heroine insisted.

When she returned from the studio, she saw crowds of people. Among them you could see Alya, Rose, Juleka, Luke, Jagged Stone, Marinette's parents, the mayor, even his wife Audrey and daughter Chloe.
-Chat Noir, I need your miraculous.
-Of course, my Lady. - replied the hero, then he hid behind the house, underwent a reverse transformation and put the ring aside. Then he slipped through the back of the house unnoticed and joined the crowd of people. Ladybug put on the ring and shouted:
-Tikki! Plagg! Unite! - The girl transformed into a wonderfully beautiful creature with black, green and red dots. - I hope it will work... - she added after a while in her thoughts.
Then she made a wish.
-I want Nathalie to come alive. In return, we offer not someone's life, but a part of the health of every person present here.
A huge pink cloud spread over Paris, making it impossible for anyone to see anything.
-And how? It worked? - Adrien asked his father, but he didn't answer because he could barely see his son's face, let alone other people.

1 year later
Gabriel and Adrien were standing at the grave.
-I miss her so much... - Adrien said. - But after all this, I think you made the right choice.
-I think so too. Remember, you will remain in our hearts forever, Emilie.
Suddenly the phone rang. Gabriel answered.
-I'm listening? - After a while he shouted to his son. - Adrien, quickly get in the car. It's from the hospital.
When they arrived, they both spent very anxious moments in the waiting room. Gabriel couldn't sit still and kept walking around the corridor. Suddenly one of the nurses spoke up.
-You may come in now.
The man quickly ran into the room and saw a beautiful little girl with long black hair held in her arms by his wife - Nathalie. The woman smiled at her husband and handed the baby to him. He hugged the child and then gave it to Adrien.
-This is your little sister. - Gabriel smiled.
-Welcome to the world, Emilie. - Adrien said, and Gabriel kissed Nathalie.

But the most important thing is probably what happened after Biedronka made her wish. When the fog cleared, Nathalie appeared to Gabriel's eyes, safe and sound. The man ran up and hugged her fiercely.
-Nathalie! Nathalie! You are alive, my love! Thank you Ladybug, thank you very much. Thank you all! - Gabriel said and hugged the woman who didn't really know what was happening.
-G-Gabriel, what's going on here? - she asked.
-You don't have to worry about anything anymore. I will always be there for you no matter what, I promise. Ladybug used miraculouses and made a wish for you to come back to life, each resident donated a part of their health so that I could get you back. I am eternally grateful to all of them.
-You told her to use miraculouses to revive me?! And Emilie?!
-She left...
-How did she leave?! Does this mean that all our effort was wasted?!
-Nothing was wasted. Because if it weren't for all this, I wouldn't realize how much I love you. - These words made Nathalie blush red. - I know, I should have told you this earlier, but I was afraid you would reject me. Now I know it: it doesn't matter whether you love me or not, I know that I love you and I want to always be with you. I'm aware that you love someone else... I hope you can forgive me. - Gabriel said and then he kissed Nathalie on the lips, and she kissed him back.
-I love you too. - she smiled gently.
-But... you said that...
-I was thinking about you all the time. Thank you for sacrificing Emilie so that I could live... I know this decision must have been difficult for you...
-It wasn't. I was headed in that one heart moment.
-Does that mean I didn't disappoint you after all?
-Nathalie! You have never let me down. I can always count on you, I can rely on you. You are amazing. I love you very much, remember that. There is no other woman as unique as you. That's why I wanted to ask you something... - Gabriel took out the wedding ring that Emilie once wore on her finger from his pocket. Then he knelt down. - Nathalie Sancoeur. Will you marry me? Nathalie stood transfixed. She didn't expect such a gesture from Gabriel.
-Yes! Yes! I will marry you! - she screamed, and then they kissed. All Parisians gathered in front of the Agrestes' residence began to applaud. Nathalie looked out at the crowd and thought for a moment.
-Everything's all right? - asked the designer.
-I thought that in the crowd I would find a certain hero from New York, whom I had been dating for the last few months, but apparently I hurt him too much. After all, I didn't return his feelings and probably broke his heart.
-Not really... I think he's the happiest man in the world now, because the woman he really loved returned his feelings.
-How can you know that? Do you think he found another woman? Do you think he didn't really love me at all and it was just infatuation? But even if he did, he could still show up with her.
-They're both here. Together. And they are very much so happy.
-Where? How can you know he's here when even I don't know what he looks like without a mask.
-We both know that. Because he's standing next to you all the time...
Nathalie looked around. Apart from Gabriel, no one was standing next to her. She spun around once more, then slowly turned her head in Gabriel's site.
-Don't joke, don't say it's all this time time was it you?
-I guess that means we're made for each other, right? - the man looked at Nathalie with an ironic smile, and she started laughing.
-You know what, I've had enough of this. - she said and hugged him. - But still I love you.
-I you too. - Gabriel concluded. Then they gave all the miraculouses they had to Adrien, and Chat Noir gave them to Ladybug. Since then, peace and harmony have reigned in Paris. THE END


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