Chapter XIII

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It was already late in the evening when Nathalie was walking down a dark, empty corridor in the Agreste residence. Suddenly she heard crying coming from her boss's room. She knocked lightly on the door, but no one answered. She knocked again, louder this time, but there was still no response. She opened the door slightly and saw Gabriel sitting on the bed and crying. She walked over to him and sat down next to him. -Nathalie! But you scared me. - said the embarrassed man who didn't want his assistant to see him in such a state. -I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but I knocked a few times and no one answered. I thought something had happened, so I went in. And I see that there really is something to it. What's going on? - she asked worriedly. -Nothing... - the man replied briefly and turned his head in another direction. -I can see that something isn't right. Can you tell me... - After these words, the woman placed her hand on Gabriel's. The designer sighed heavily and replied:
-The thing is... I keep letting everyone down... Emilie, you, Adrien... I can't cope with anything, I can't get Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculouses, I keep losing to these kids... I'm just fed up with it... I'm a hopeless father, husband...
-Gabriel... it's not true... I see how you try, how you care... it's not your fault that you fail... you do your best, I'm sure you will succeed in the end ... you don't give up... you pursue your goals... you are a wonderful husband. I'm sure that many women would like to have a man like Emilie. You just need to spend more time with Adrien. And everything will be fine. - After these words, the woman smiled at him.
-Thank you, my dear. I knew I could always count on you. Nathalie! Everything's all right?! - he asked, scared, because the woman suddenly grabbed her head.
-Yes... just... I'm a little dizzy headache, but it will pass soon...
-You better rest. - said the designer and immediately helped Nathalie lie down. - When you feel better, you'll come back to yourself.
-Thank you... - she said, then closed her eyes. Gabriel lay down next to her and thought for a moment about the words he had just heard. Suddenly he felt Nathalie hug him. She was already asleep, so it was more of a dream reflex, but the man hugged her tighter and then kissed her lightly on the cheek.
-I love you... - he whispered, even though he knew she wouldn't hear him in her sleep. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

However, he was very mistaken in the fact that Nathalie would not hear his words. The whole next day the woman wondered if what she heard was real or just a dream.
-I was so exhausted and tired that I don't remember what really happened and what I dreamed... ahhhh! What if he really loves me? What if it's just my imagination?
After these considerations, the woman left Gabriel's bedroom. When she woke up, she didn't find him there, so she decided to check if he was downstairs. Adrien was already at school, and the entire mansion was as quiet as if no one was there. And sure enough, they all disappeared.
-Where is this Gabriel? And how long did I sleep before everyone left the house?

After some time he returned home Gabriel. Furious, he slammed the door.
-Those kids tricked me again! I'm sick of it!
-You'll finally make it. I'm sure of it.
-I hope so... - he replied, still angry, and locked himself in his office. After a few hours, Adrien returned from school.
-Nathalie! You won't guess what! There's a disco at school tonight! I would love to follow it. I'm going to ask my dad if I can. He agreed a few times recently, so I hope it will work now too. Before the woman could say anything, the boy was already in his father's office. After a while, he came out all red with anger. Of course, the assistant already guessed what happened.
-Today is probably not his lucky day. - the woman thought ironically.
-He finally lost to Ladybug and Chat Noir again.
-Nathalie! Dad didn't agree! Could you do something about it? He always listens to you.
The woman sighed deeply and then replied:
-I can try, but I don't know what I can do.
-Please try. - Adrien insisted. Nathalie knocked on the door and entered. The boy was waiting outside his father's office. Suddenly he heard screams and screams.
-Oh... not good... - he thought.

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