Chapter XVI

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-Your assistant is doing better, we just need to do some tests and it will be over.
-Can I see her? - Gabriel asked nervously.
-Of course.
The man quickly ran into the room where Nathalie was lying.
-Nathalie! - he shouted and without waiting for an answer, he simply rushed at her and hugged her as tight as he could. - I'm so glad you're alive. - After these words, a few tears rolled down the man's face.
-Thank you for saving my life... -I had to! Remember, I will never leave you alone, no matter what, even if I am a stubborn idiot, I will always be there for you. I didn't mean to say that, I didn't want to argue with you, I just... I want to help you... but I can't... Nathalie smiled slightly, hugged Gabriel closer to her and said:
-I'm too stubborn sometimes. You know well that I want to help you get the miraculous, I want to help save Emilie, for you... so that you can finally be happy.
Gabriel wanted to finally tell the woman the truth, he wanted to tell her that he was already happy because he had her and loved her, but the doctor prevented him from doing so.
-Sir, you have to go out for some time time. We want to do research.
-All right. - the designer replied and went out into the corridor. He waited there for quite a long time, but when it was all over the doctor came out of the room and said to him:
-We're already done. We're going to check the results now. If you could go outside with Mrs. Sancoeur, that would be great. I need some fresh air. Just please hold her all the time, because she may still be weak.
At the doctor's request, Gabriel took Nathalie outside the hospital. She swayed slightly, but the man was still by her side. They stood there in silence for a long moment, staring at the clouds.
-Nice and cheerful. - he asked after a while Gabriel.
-Hmm...true... - Nathalie replied.
-But not as pretty as you... - said the man and looked away because he felt himself blushing. Nathalie turned red too. This awkward moment was interrupted by the doctor who called them in for a talk.

-Okay, I've already checked the results, but I would like to talk to each of you individually. I'll ask Mr. Agreste first.
Gabriel entered the doctor's office, slightly confused. The doctor closed the door and said:
-Sir, I don't know how to tell you this, but... - he looked at the terrified face of the man who, even though he didn't know what was going on yet, wanted to cry. - We checked these results... more than once... and the thing is that Mrs. Sancoeur has only a short time left to live...
-How so?! - Gabriel shouted. - How much time her left?! What's happening to her?!
-Her body is damaged from the inside and is slowly deteriorating. We cannot stop this process, we do not know what is the reason for it. Besides, it's already too late, Mrs. Sancoeur is already in the last stages and there is no help for her. I think she has a few days left, maybe a week... I don't know, I can't say exactly... Gabriel sat in a chair, stunned, unable to say a word. He couldn't even cry.
-This damned miraculous... has deprived me of another person close to me once again... I can't believe it... Nathalie... will she die? - he thought.
-Mr. Agreste? I know this is extremely difficult for you, but...
-No, no, no, it can't be true, not again, no, no... - Gabriel repeated and only now he felt tears welling up in his eyes and running down his face.
-Please listen to me! - the doctor raised his voice. - I am extremely sorry that I had to tell you such news and that this happened to you. I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now. But please think of Mrs. Sancoeur. How will she take this news? She will probably be as devastated as you are. She will need your help and support. So I'm asking, even begging; Even though it is certainly unimaginably difficult for you, please pull yourself together. For her! Please give her support, care and understanding in these last days of her life.
-You are right! - Gabriel shouted and got up from the ground.

After this conversation, the doctor called Nathalie to tell her the terrible news this time. Meanwhile, Gabriel sat in the waiting room and thought again.
-I have to get these miraculouses now at all costs! I have very little time, I have to come up with the perfect plan! It's not too late, there's still a chance to fix everything! All I have to do is get these miraculouses, make a wish and Nathalie will be healthy again! After several minutes, the designer's assistant came out of the office. The man didn't know how to react. He stood up and hugged her too. However, the woman was so confused that she didn't even code what was happening, she just stood there frozen, she didn't even cry. Gabriel looked at her surprised.
-N-Nathalie? I know it's hard for you, but listen, we'll get through everything, I promise... I...
At that moment, the woman stepped aside. She was now standing with her back to Gabriel.
Suddenly, several bitter tears full of pain and suffering rolled down her face. The woman deliberately stood backwards. She didn't want Gabriel to see her moment of weakness. Then she wiped away her tears and when Gabriel grabbed her arm she suddenly turned on her heel and shouted:
-Get these miraculouses as soon as possible! I want to give my life for Emilie!!!

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