Before we begin...

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Okay guys! The next series is underway! This set of one-shots/stories will focus on our lovely OTP Karbie post-wedding. If you noticed, the rating is "mature" because of the fact that our favorite couple is now married. They've been slowing going through some things, as has their family and friends, so I figured better safe than sorry to have the mature rating (but, you know me, I don't ever put anything in explicit detail...) It doesn't mean everything they go through in this new series will be mature, but it's a 'just in case' they do... Anywho, I do have a few ideas for this new series, like enough for 3 or 4 chapters so far, but I haven't written anything yet. Things have been crazy busy in my world, so it's hard to find the time...

BUT! I have the ideas!

Soooo.... Stay tuned for whenever I make some updates! And I will say, instead of making another conversation post, I decided to just upload the story title. It not only helps me stay accountable and gives me the drive to write, but it kinda teases you guys a bit, too :) Sorry not sorry! :)

And as usual, if you have a suggestion for a chapter or a one-shot, let me know! I'll try to do what I can with your ideas if my brain space allows it :) NGL, sometimes you have some great ideas but my creativity won't let me get any further with it than your description. And it's not because I don't think it's a great idea, but rather I'm just not the person to write it and give it justice... Make sense?

Thanks for being patient and thanks for any comments/likes/shares and your general support!


Karbie Forever: Mr. and Mrs. CarsonWhere stories live. Discover now