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Okay... This chapter gets pretty dark. I haven't done a story about Nikki at all, so I figured this would be the one to write with her in the lead. But be prepared... it gets very depressing... Hopefully it doesn't trigger anyone...

ALSO... there may be an unexpected shipping no one saw coming :)


"Here's the deal: my class is over at like 3:00. I'm hoping maybe the professor will let us out early so we can get a head start on the weekend. She's young enough with an actual life, so maybe we can push her into it!"

"Let's hope! So, where would that put you coming into the city?"

"Eh... If I leave right at 3:00, I can be there by 7:30, hoping there's no traffic, but–"

"Oh... Stace... Dude... Thursday night in Manhattan? There's traffic..."

"Soooooo... midnight?"

"Not that much traffic"

For most people in America, once October hit, there was only one thing everyone looked forward to. One thing that sent chills of excitement down their spines and fun in their hearts. One night that promised thrills of horror and terror with a chance to laugh about it afterwards.


And Stacie was no different.

From a young age, the athletic and competitive girl thrived on scary movies, festive activities, and extravagant decor that was for sure to either frighten or invigorate any spooky soul... especially once she realized that her sister and friends were not vampires.

"Well, just be safe driving, okay?", Ken warned in his typical brotherly manner, "I know you're used to DC by now, but New York traffic is–"

"Oh come on! You call that interference?!"

While Ken and Stacie continued their conversation, they were occasionally interrupted by another member of the blonde brigade: Barbie Carson enjoying – learning – football. The typically calm woman was busy engaging in the pigskin game on the screen, much to the amusement of her husband in the kitchenette area who couldn't help but smile appreciatively at the woman he married.

"Soooo... How's the experiment coming along?", Stacie asked, smirking into the phone screen. Ken laughed and shrugged, keeping one eye on his sister-in-law and one on his wife while he filled up two water glasses.

"Eh, she's trying, that's the thing"


Stacie snickered and shook her head sarcastically, "Yeah, she was never one to really get team sports. Basketball was the worst"

"Don't I know it... But it's getting better. We've been watching a lot of Manoa games back home, so she's getting the hang of it. Either way, drive safe, okay? Like I was gonna say, New York traffic is no laughing matter"

"Neither is DC, but I hear ya. Will do, Chief", Stacie saluted on screen, "I'll give you a heads up on my ETA"

"Sounds good, thanks, Stace. See ya!"

As Ken hung up the phone, he was hit by another blasting holler from the living room. A boisterous protest of an extravagant nature, one that wasn't exactly pleased with whatever was happening.

"Oh, come on! He was so over the line!"

Chuckling to himself, Ken watched as his beautiful, blushing wife was crouched on the edge of her seat and fully prepared to throw a pillow at the television.

Karbie Forever: Mr. and Mrs. CarsonWhere stories live. Discover now