Adventures in Babysitting Nightmares

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Okay, let me just start off saying I have no idea what it's like to be pregnant! But, if you know me by now through ALL my stories, you know I do my research! 🧐Sooooooo I've done my best to look up what morning sickness is and what happens. I really hope I did it justice to anyone who has been thru it! TBH, I also heard everyone is different, so I guess it's just whatever :)

Also, SO SORRY it's been a while! Softball started and things are getting crazy at school n w friends and classes, so I've been super busy. 


A symphony of crackles, sizzles, and pops echoed throughout the small kitchen area. A delectable aroma wafted about the space, permeating every corner of air, punctuated with notes of maple, citrus, and cream. Sweet and savory hints reached the nostrils, instantly alerting the growling hunger of its need for sustenance.

Eggs, bacon, french toast, and orange juice.

A satisfying start to a wonderful Friday morning off work, according to Chef Ken.

"Mmmm... This looks really good, if I do say so myself", he admired his scrambled eggs, appreciating their perfect amount of fluffiness. It was such a glorious morning, so bright and blue outside, so chipper and peaceful and beautiful and–


–well, for him, at least.

The guttural groaning and retching sounds escaped the bathroom from upstairs, interrupting the frying pan's orchestra.


Now 12 weeks along in her pregnancy, Barbie Carson was feeling the full effect and meaning of the term 'morning sickness'. Since it reared its ugly head at all hours of the day and night, Ken didn't quite understand why they called it 'morning' sickness, earning a sharp glare from his ill wife each time he brought up that it was noon or dinner time.

When the gagging and puking finished, he heard a toilet flush. Soft padded and slippered feet trudged downstairs, revealing a woman obviously exhausted and worn out yet still lovely in all regards despite her disheveled hair, purple eye bags, and slouched posture. Barbie shuffled into the kitchen, but as soon as she did, her nose crinkled distastefully.

"Ugh... Ken... Why does it smell terrible in here?"

Ken pouted and gestured towards the breakfast masterpiece he created.

"Terrible? But... .you love bacon, eggs, and french toast"

"Uuuugghh... Yesterday I did... Today I don't"

To prove her point, she gagged again and raced past him to the first floor bathroom. Ken sighed and gazed melancholy at his meal when more vomiting emanated from the restroom.

"Oh well... Guess that's another thing we have to get used to"

He was referring to the ups and downs of Barbie's growing aversions. First, it started last week with the garbage. Understandably, the smell of rotting food and waste made her ill. Surprisingly the next thing she despised was fruit. Abundant in Hawai'i, it was more difficult to avoid. And now, today, she clearly wanted nothing to do with her beloved meal of bacon, eggs, and french toast...

Just as he started to collect the food into storage containers to save for another day his wife actually tolerated the aromas, the front door busted wide open.

"Heeeeey, Ken! Whoa, yum! Smells good in here! Soooo, question: where's Barbie?"

It was Skipper. Coming home, apparently, from her morning class, she seemed to be in some kind of tizzy, like something urgent was on her mind.

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