"Hey... Can I Ask a Question?"

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So Barbie's morning sickness is wearing away and she's now 18 weeks along! Her and Ken go back home to visit for a weekend but they can't relax!

Sorry it's taking so long to write some stories! Softball and classes are gettin to me! So many tests... so much homework! But school's out in like a month so I hope I can write more in the summer!


"Aahhh... It is good to be home"

Barbie Carson breathed a sigh of relief at the smell of the familiar stomping grounds of Malibu, California, inhaling its sweet October aromas and beautiful sunsets. Granted, Hawai'i had its fair share of sights, smells, sounds, and other beauty, but nothing beat coming home.

At least that's what her and her husband, Ken, thought.

"You said it. It's going to be nice to finally kick back our feet and relax for a bit", Ken agreed, slinging his book bag over his shoulder as they exited the family vehicle.

George Roberts, overhearing him, snickered dubiously when he himself opened his own driver's door. He was the one to pick them up from the airport.

"Really? You both live in Hawai'i and you're saying this is relaxing?"

"Nothing beats home, Dad", Barbie smiled sweetly, rolling her suitcase towards their Dreamhouse. Her father laughed along with her, agreeing that he felt the same thing when he went home to his parents after a long time away.

It had been quite a few months, in fact, since Barbie and Ken were back in California. Between work and, most upfront and bothersome, the morning sickness, it was difficult to not only find the time away but the right moment Barbie wouldn't get sick leaving her house. They had found out she was pregnant near the middle of August, but even when they made the announcement to their families, it was back in their Oahu home.

"Barbie! Ken! You made it!"

Mrs. Margaret Roberts beamed and ran forward, trailed by her youngest daughter, Chelsea.

"Welcome home, you guys! How are you feeling, Barbie?"

Barbie chuckled, hugging her sister and her mother, "I feel like a million bucks just being here"

"That and she isn't throwing up anymore", Ken added, giving his own embrace, "For now, at least..."

"Well, we're happy you're both home", Margaret smiled, "And I'm sure you're both exhausted and ready for bed"

"So ready!", Mrs. Carson exhaled, showing her weariness at traveling all day. It was already nearing 10:00 at night and the duo was looking forward to a nice, soft pillow, "After being on my feet all day, I'm beat"

"Oh, and one more thing, you two are going to be staying in Skipper and Stacie's old room, just so you know"

Barbie and Ken blinked at the change in plans, not expecting to stay anywhere other than her old room. She squinted at her mother questioningly.

"How come? Why aren't we staying in my old room?"

George slung an arm around his wife's shoulders and appeared very excited about the news.

"Barbie, we're redoing your room for the nursery!"


Ken and Barbie were both surprised and elated at the news.

"Really? Aww, mom, dad, that sounds wonderful!"

"It's not finished yet, but we're working on getting everything perfect and ready for our first grandchild", George boasted, thrilled to even think about his first granddaughter or grandson, whichever they were having.

Karbie Forever: Mr. and Mrs. CarsonWhere stories live. Discover now