"Chill, Baby!"

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This story involves Barbie and Ken and their endeavors to start a family... Soooooooo there's gonna be some mature details, starting right away. Just heading you guys up!



















"Soooo... I have an idea. What if I just leave it in for a while? Like, maybe we put on a movie, you sit on me, we do it, and then I stay in the whole time we finish the movie. You think that'll help?"

".... I don't think that's how it works, hun..."

"But it'll feel good"

"But you might get stuck..."

".... good point... That'll feel bad"

"It would. For both of us"

".... I got it! What if we do it all day? Like, before breakfast, on our lunch breaks, and then again at night! Maybe even twice at night!"

"Ken, I'm not even going to argue with you about the logistics of all that... Besides, that could be worse..."

"........ but it'll feel good"

On and on it went...

Backtracking slightly, just two weeks ago Barbie, Ken, and Skipper received the most wonderful news that their duplex was fixed and ready to take up residency once more. With that stress pit behind them, it led to the current moment where they felt relaxed enough to fly back to see their families for their birthdays. Although, during the entire plane ride back to their hometown of Malibu, the couple went rounds debating and deliberating how to successfully boost their chances of taking their next step in their relationship:


Sure, Barbie had so thus far halted her birth control for a whopping eight months. As of early June, they started off their journey with the casually noncommittal 'whatever happens, happens' mantra, removing any preventative measures of keeping child-free up to that point as starters. But since then, they have slowly climbed up the ladder with new ideas on how to increase their chances of something actually happening: herbal teas, alternative healthy diets, inventive and productive positions, scheduled activity, cycle tracking, the works. What started off as a simple 'hey, we're married, it's whatever' attitude towards starting a family eventually morphed into a 'hey, I heard this works, let's try it'

So far? Nothing...

Eight months and still no signs or changes of anything.

But hey... it's okay, right?


"Sweetheart, I'm so proud of you! Work-from-home columnist to an actual reporter! How exciting?"

It's true. Barbie was starting to move up in the newscaster line-up, being promoted recently from her position as a column writer to an actual reporter. Granted, it would be on a preliminary basis, like a probationary period to see what she can do in front of the camera. First, her assignment was to report on the local news starting with the hurricane that rolled through a few months ago. Rescue, clean-up efforts, and the entire humanitarian side of things. After her first four minute segment was given high regards, her boss informed her of the wonderful news that she would have to complete one more follow up story, adding to the job security.

Karbie Forever: Mr. and Mrs. CarsonWhere stories live. Discover now