Date Night

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Here we go! Remember, the rating on this new set of stories is 'mature'. Just keep that in mind :)


"Ken, can I tell you how excited I am for tonight?"

Ken nodded to himself, donning his pants with a hefty, relaxed sigh escaping his lips as his wife applied her eye shadow.

"Tell me about it! I know our wedding was just a month and a half ago, but still", he grunted, standing up straighter to adjust his belt, "I'm so glad we're finally get a date night"

It had been a while, to be honest, when the two of the newlyweds actually had a night out. Between busy work schedules at either the news station, aquarium, or beach, there was always something getting in the way of them having a time to themselves. And with Skipper as a roommate still, it made it even harder to do so.

"You guys do realize you don't have kids yet... Any night can be a date night"

The snarky reply rose from their sisterly roommate standing propped up in their bedroom doorway, humorously admiring the duo preparing for their night out. She had overheard the commotion and saw the door ajar, which in her mind meant 'all was welcome'

Barbie rolled her eyes and smirked as she finished putting in her earrings, crossing her arms at the acute observation from her younger sister.

"While technically you are right, Skipper, you do know how hard it is to get out somewhere nice with our schedules"

"Barbie, you work from home half the week", Skipper deadpanned, not wanting to be outdone.

"Either way", interrupted Ken as he stood up from the bed to adjust his shirt, sensing a slight battle brewing underneath their skins, "I'm really looking forward to tonight. Dinner, dancing, strolling on the beach! Can't beat that!"

"Exactly", Barbie chuckled into her nod, coming closer to her husband. Leaning up, she pressed her lips against his, melting into his touch as he placed his hands on her waist.

"Ugh", the brunette sibling scoffed at the display of affection, "Wait until I leave the room, at least"

"Well... Leave the room and you won't have a problem", Mr. Carson retorted with a teasing grin, daring the girl to stay and watch their loving show. After another quick teasing snort, Skipper did just that...

"Soooo... Should we get going ooorrrrr...", Ken smiled deviously down to his wife, pulling her closer to his chest. Barbie gave a throaty laugh and leaned in flush against his torso, catching on to his subtle hint of something extra to pregame for the night out.

"Hmm... I don't know... You tell me..."

"I think...", Ken whispered and kissed her forehead, "...that maybe...", a peck to her temple, "...we can get a quick...", to her neck, "little–"


–Before Ken could continue his intimate thoughts, a phone rang from the dresser. Ignoring her husband's groans of protest that removed him from his sensual moment, Barbie pulled herself away from his arms and crossed the room to check the device. Smiling at the name, she answered the caller.

"Hey Stace. How's it going?"

"Hey, sis! Nothing much. I knew you guys were still awake, so I just want to chat", came the beaming reply from the Georgetown student.

"Of course she does", Ken grumbled, plopping himself backwards on the bed, having a very 'go figure' moment with his new sister-in-law.

"Aww, that would be nice", Barbie ignored him while finding his frustration amusing, "Well, actually, Ken and I are kinda getting ready to–"

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