Three Cheers for Choward!

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Good food, great music, and even better company

All the makings of one of the most fabulously cherished moments and memories that any young couple could ever dream of experiencing.

The wedding of Chase Howard and Renee Chow!

The time had finally come. It was mid-January in southern Montana, as snowy and frigid as ever, with a heat index of a balmy 15 degrees Fahrenheit... -9 for those who used Celsius to measure. The private ski lodge and resort boasted various luxurious amenities, all of which would be open and available for the entire bridal party throughout their stay. Now, typically a bride or groom would try to find the most pleasant weather possible for their wedding, with little to no chance of freezing temperatures or rain or any hazards that could ruin the day.

The reason they didn't? The ski lodge was owned by Chase's family.

In fact, the Howard family property stretched far and wide, nearly 300 acres across the land bordering Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, and Idaho that claimed a working cattle ranch, ski resort with lodge and three slopes, an over-sized lake for fishing and boating, and over fifteen miles of trails for hiking, cross-country skiing, and camping along the upper Rocky Mountains. At night, the dark skies above illuminated the Milky Way in all its glory, showcasing beautiful glittering hues of colors and stars that took your breath away. It was immaculate... Mid-January mountains collected perfect fresh powder, spot on for some prime skiing and snowboarding and other winter sports in addition to the breathtaking views. Hot cocoa, coffee, and toddy's filled everyone's bellies.

So as the family, friends, and bridal parties prepared for the activities and events several days before the wedding, two men had a chance to finally catch up after two months apart post-bachelor party, only phone calls and texts between them.

"Dude, I can't believe that happened to you guys! Living through a hurricane, dang. That must have been insane"

"No joke... It was pretty scary, but we made it through. I've experienced earthquakes before, no problem. Comes with living in Cali. But that was a whole new level of crazy"

"I bet... How's the house?"

Ken finished the last sip of his beer and placed it on the bar top with a loaded sigh. He shrugged and looked up to his best friend.

"Well, to be honest, not good. We're put up in a hotel for now. As grateful as we were for Trax and his mom offering us to stay with them, we just couldn't do that to them for much longer. A month was long enough. Plus, the university was an hour away from Skip and her classes, not to mention my aquarium and Barbie's job, too. It was just too far of a commute to get to our side of the island. So... we took up the city's plan of hotel placement. Everyone near Honolulu got the offer, and we were lucky enough to find two rooms next to each other on the same floor for Barbie and I and then Skip"

"That's good you guys got a place for now. And yeah, that's way too long of a drive to work. I'm lucky we have a five minute walk!", Chase chuckled and mused in agreement, "So what are you guys gonna do? You gonna move or what?"

"Heh, more like or what... At least for the time being", the blonde surfer flattened as he thought of their predicament, "The landlord told us the other day the foundation is okay, but he has to rebuild the roof and a lot of the inside's cosmetics and walls and whatnot. He did say he'll extend our lease once it's finished, so that's an upside. The downside? He says he has to raise the rent 'cause of building costs. That'll be hard on us seeing as how we're not exactly rich. Although, we have been looking at actually buying a house at some point"

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