Game of Life

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HERE WE GO! It's been a while, but here's another story! I'm thinking maybe I just have a few left in me for the Karbie Forever. I don't want this to go on forever... ENJOY!


"You ready for another one, big guy?"

"You know it!"

"What'll it be? Another beer? Want me to mix you something?"

"Hmm... Surprise me"

"You got it!"

Skipper Roberts smiled to herself, reaching inside the fridge for some refreshing liquids that would be sure to quench anyone's thirst. Seeing the cranberry juice, she smiled and pulled it out. When the concoction was assembled, she hummed happily to herself and strolled back over to the living room couch, handing her brother-in-law his own.

"Thanks, Skip", Ken grinned, accepting the drink. After a sip, he mumbled his appreciation, "Mmm, this is good"

"I've perfected my recipe. Some cranberry, a splash of orange juice", she boasted proudly, taking a drink of her own, "The key is not too much vodka. Otherwise, you'll just be spitting it out"

"Yeah, we don't want that", Ken snickered, toasting with the brunette girl.

"Okay, so what kind of pizza do we want?", Stacie Roberts, sitting cross-legged on the floor, interrupted the duo, "Oooorr do we want to wait until Barbie and Chelsea get back"

"Meh, let's just order something", her older sister slouched back onto the couch comfortably, "I'm sure they'd be fine with whatever we get. Plus, I'm starving!"

Happy with the decision, and the head nod in agreement from Ken, Stacie smiled and did just that. Pizza, sandwiches, and whatever junk food she could find from the local pizza parlor down the street.

Just in time for the order to be placed, the door to the apartment opened up, revealing two other family members who definitely had one extravagant shopping spree.

"We're back! And boy, did we get a ton of stuff!", announced Chelsea, her arms full of bags. Beside her, her oldest sister grinned and closed the door behind her.

"Sure did. There are so many wonderful shops around here, Stace. I got so much stuff for the baby! And me... Thanks for recommending them", Barbie lifted her multiple bags to show off her purchases.

"Yeah... Thanks, Stacie", Ken mumbled, picturing how much Barbie spent. Although, after a playful swat over the head as his wife passed by, he laughed and changed his tune, "I mean... Yeah! Thanks, Stacie!", earning a teasing chuckle from the peanut gallery.

The night couldn't have been more relaxing for the group. Barbie, Ken, Skipper, Stacie, and Chelsea were taking the night in to spend time with each other, enjoying each other's company, and absolutely chilling with no plans to do anything strenuous whatsoever.

Mostly because the last few days have been strenuous enough. Thanksgiving was yesterday, which required a full team effort for preparing, cooking, and cleaning the large meal they had somehow fit inside Stacie's Washington, DC apartment for both the Roberts and the Carsons

Right now, it was just the five of them. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts plus Mr. and Mrs. Carson had decided to take the opportunity and see the nightlife in the big city, partaking in a theatrical performance at one of the local venues before booking a hotel to give the 'kids' – and themselves– some privacy.

It was a win-win.

The real reason Thanksgiving was able to be celebrated in the Victorian rental in Foggy Bottom, however, was because Stacie's other roommates had gone to their own respective homes for the holiday break.

Karbie Forever: Mr. and Mrs. CarsonWhere stories live. Discover now