My Stalker?

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Sukuna POV

"1...2..3" I counted while walking I always do that when I get nervous I guess it just kind of takes my mind off the fact that I'm nervous

So here I am walking home alone the sun is setting it's pretty cold outside but I like it that way it reminds me of my childhood and all the drama I used to get into with my brother

*Tick ..tick...tick*

Time flies by quickly so don't take anything for granted. I wish I was still younger maybe if there was a way to go back in time I'd take that route *BEEP...BEEEP-*

Nobody's POV
Sukuna woke up his eyes looked around his room now lit with light and his alarm clock beeping " was just a dream huh?" He thought to himself "What a pain in the ass" While rubbing his now-red eyes he looked around once more before getting up to go take a piss *Spsssss* "Why am I still alive?" He said to himself while looking up and flushing the toilet he then took off his clothes and stared into the mirror for 30 seconds... he then got in the shower and scrubbed his body with the warm water hitting his skin he started to shave After doing so he got out after 40 minutes

-30 minutes later-
He looked at the watch on his wrist while running into his work building "Ah shit I'm going to be late again" He said to himself now that he's 20 he has made a big name for himself working as a personal assistant for a big time company who pays him 60 dollars an hour he didn't want to be late even though he knew the boss would forgive him -only because she had a thing for hot men even though she's in her early 40s-

Sukuna walked inside the building and got his usual coffee to keep him going for the day then he sat down in his office looking at the picture of him and his twin brother playing when they were young but the door suddenly opened Knocking him out of his thoughts he looked up to see his boss "Hey Sukuna so I hear that you and ur little gf broke up" she said with a smirk he was getting annoyed but replied with a smile and said "Yeah yeah but I have to work now" she rolled her eyes and left even though she hated him treating her like that she dare not to say another word because he's the only guy good at his work and he brings in more customers because of his looks

(To Be Continued)

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