The Investigation (Pt3/3)

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Nobody POV (Watching the killer pt 1/2)
"Time is ticking" he smiled and held the knife to the throat then he started to giggle and said "If you don't tell me what happened to my shit.. then I'm going to cut ur dick off and have all of my men torture you until ur dead." The man then finally spoke up with blood coming from his mouth

The white haired man laughed and said "You already rated us out what more can you do for me?!" He then stabbed his hand and the guy screamed afterward he walked out and said "Kill him slowly" He laughed and laughed while hearing the man screaming then the door shut

-time skip- (Back to Sukuna)

Sukuna POV
I woke up early today expecting to hear a phone call while I waited anxious I felt scared in fear while I put my knees up to my chest hugging my knees they even let me take a week off of work because all that has happened lucky for me summer break is coming up soon but in a few months I'll have to attend college "Tick" the clock landed on 12 then I heard it the thing that now scared me the most...

*The phone buzzed*
"H-hello?" I said nervously then the man from yesterday said "Hi little Sukuna I have something I need you to deliver for me" I nodded knowing that he could see me he then said "I'll send you the address" and he hung up I quickly showered and put on my clothes as I was drinking my morning smoothie I heard the mail box open a letter came through the mail saying an address

At that exact moment I knew it was what he wanted me to deliver so I quickly got in my car and drove to that address....It took me about 40 maybe 50 minutes to get there I made sure not to be late by taking short cuts who knows there could've been a tracker on my car...I stepped out of my car to see a huge building then a person in a black suit that looked like a security guard said "Follow me"

I arrived in a room I felt scared my heart was beating and I was sweating like crazy then the doors locked I stood up preparing for the worst and before I could react smoke was let into the room I quickly dialed 911 on my phone they answered and said

*911 what's ur emergency?*

I let out a small help then I fell and blacked out

(To Be continued)

The Professional Killer (Gojo x sukuna)Where stories live. Discover now