Sukuna dream

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Gojo POV
I woke up and felt weight on top of me....*Buzzzzz* I felt my phone vibrate but I quickly turned it off because it was waking up Sukuna his whole body was wrapped around mine and it feels so peaceful I wonder if this is what love feels like? Is it peace or is it loyalty?

"What exactly is love?"

Nobody's POV
Gojo shook Sukuna waking him up Sukuna sat up right on top of Gojo they both stared at each other for 2-3 minutes before Sukuna jumped up after realizing he was sitting on Gojo his face turned red and Gojo laughed after that Gojo asked him to sit down which Sukuna did slowly because even though it had been two days his back still hurts

Gojo began talking to Sukuna and Sukuna listened to every word he had to say "Sukuna I understand you hate me but please don't leave me.." he said softly while hugging Sukuna from behind Sukuna responded "I won't leave you if you let me go I won't even report you" Gojo held Sukuna for 15 minutes in silence then he said "Will you still love me though?" And Sukuna didn't know how to reply but he felt deeply troubled and hurt at the same time after thinking Sukuna rubbed Gojo head and said "Y-yes so please let me go" Gojo started to cry while holding onto Sukuna "Please come back to me when ur bored" Sukuna turned around and hugged him back and then Gojo looked Sukuna in his eyes

And without warning Gojo kissed Sukuna but this time it was soft it wasn't really forceful and Sukuna kissed back then Gojo got up and untied Sukuna he even gave him a hug and then he said "You can leave me now" Sukuna shook his head and denied the offer instead he said "Gojo...instead of me leaving alone please come with me" Gojo eyes watered and he said "I'm a bad person you don't deserve me My Love" Sukuna said "Please come with me.."

Gojo grabbed a bag and put clothes in the bag then Sukuna washed up and got dressed afterward they left Gojo then pulled off and Gojo threw his house key out the window Sukuna smiled and said "I finally have filled the void in my heart..I finally feel loved" Gojo smiled and said "Do you want to spend the rest of ur life with me?" Sukuna laughed and said "Sure" they then drove off speeding while Gojo was speeding and moving very fast he wasn't paying attention instead he gripped Sukuna thigh and they both stared at each other then Gojo said "Hold on tight my love" which Sukuna listened and then he turned on the radio and played soft music they had even drove past Sukuna's house

Gojo said "Let's run away from it all" Sukuna shook his head as tears went down his eyes "Let's never come back I hope we be together forever because in a life without you i wont feel the need to live anymore" Gojo smiled and replied

"That won't happen even if we die we were meant to be together. I'm sorry I hurt you"

(To Be Continued)

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