An Investigation (pt1/3)

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Nobody POV
"Yuji!!! Yuji look I made you some cake for ur birthday!"
Yuji laughed and rubbed Sukuna on his head "Thank you Sukuna" As he smiled, Sukuna looked at him with teary eyes and said, "Promise me when you of this hospital you will give me 5 piggyback rides Yuji" Yuji smiled and replied "I can't make any promises I can't keep but I promise I'll get better" He knew Yuji was lying through his teeth then suddenly Yuji stopped breathing and after that-

Nobody POV
"I don't want to go" Sukuna cried out "Please don't leave me anymore" Yuji looked at him once more "It's time for you to leave now"
Sukuna then woke up he was sweaty and got his shirt lifted exposing his pink nipples and his abs, He quickly pulled his shirt down and cut the TV off while rubbing his eyes, His hair looked a mess... he remembered that he had work today once again because he works from Saturday to Tuesday

Sukuna quickly showered even though he had an hour to get ready he even waxed his whole lower half and arms afterward he brushed his teeth and washed his hair then he grabbed his keys, bag, phone, and charger and headed out to a cafe so he could pick up some lunch on the way to work

As soon as he walked in the lady turned red and so did a few others some even started whispering loudly enough to where he could hear, Then the girl in front of him asked, "H-Hi sir what w-would you like?" She said nervously...he then asked for a chocolate donut with sprinkles and hot chocolate, And she said it would take 5 minutes so he looked at his watch and thought to himself "Great my day is going as planned" Sukuna then took his donut and drink then he headed out

He didn't care what he ate because he stayed fit his whole life because of his fast metabolism

As soon as he arrived at work he noticed news reporters and police around the building like they were looking for something some even asked questions and he saw broken glass on the ground so he asked somebody what happened and they said "Somebody broke in yesterday" His eyes widened immediately he ran to an officer and said "Sir... excuse me-" To get his attention "Yesterday I was here and I remember something happening" The officer said "Okay we're going to have to ask you a few questions then if that's alright"

Sukuna nodded and after the officer finished talking about what happened Sukuna answered honestly and they let him go to work after questioning him for 20 minutes and checking the security cameras, one of the girls made a joke saying "Maybe the person who broke in wanted to see how cute Mr. Sukuna is" all the other girls started laughing and Sukuna rolled his eyes feeling annoyed

(To be continued)

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