The End

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Nobody's POV

....Sukuna wakes up and realizes it was a dream

Sukuna says to himself while looking down at his feet and feeling his neck and arms he realized Gojo had forgotten to put the chain on him

He quietly gets up and walks to the door carefully trying not to wake up Gojo he quickly unlocked the door and stepped out and without looking back he ran and he didn't stop running even though he was feeling dizzy his feet kept moving and didn't stop and with one more breath he felt free he felt the freedom he hoped for and wanted when he got outside he realized it was snowing then he thought about every single day he has been there and he realized he never knew how many days had went by this whole time

He then stepped onto the cold ground with no shoes on tears started to form in his eyes as he looked up at the moon then he caught his breath once more before running he let out a small sigh when he finally reached the main road it started to snow again then he looked around feeling his eyes shut slowly he feel down to his knees and started to hold himself while crying and screaming "Why now!?" He said while looking up at the sky "Why me!?" He didn't feel anything in his heart but pure rage he felt angry at the world and with one small breath he fell onto the cold icy ground


"Sukuna wake up!"
"Will he be okay!?"
He heard as he opened his eyes he realized he was on a bed doctors was running and pushing his bed Yuji held his hand tight before the doctors said "Sorry sir you can't come back here at this moment"
Then his eyes shut again and it all went black

-time skip-(2 years later Sukuna is now 22)
Sukuna felt warm but he couldn't move all he did was sniff the flowers that was placed by his bed every other week until finally his eyes opened the first thing he saw was a light that had hurt his eyes but he was so happy he could see when he tried to sit up he couldn't really move and his throat felt dry

He looked around and realized there was tubes in his nose while looking around he noticed someone was watering his flowers that was placed next to his bed he then looked up confused until the person turned around and said "Oh you woke up faster than I expected" Sukuna eyes widen he even tried to scream but he couldn't then Gojo leaned forward and kissed his head and said "It's okay im not going to hurt you I'm just bringing you ur last flowers" Sukuna looked confused and tears even started to form in his eyes

Gojo smiled and said "We will both die today I hope you know that" Sukuna opened his mouth but he couldn't speak very loudly but he asked "Why are you doing this" and tears ran down his face even more then Gojo said "You should've thought about that before making my brother kill himself"

-flash back-(highschool)
Sukuna was at the top of the class and best at every single sport in highschool but for some reason he decided to bully Geto because he knew Geto was filthy rich

"Shithead I said give me my fucking money" Sukuna yelled at Geto even though he was short geto was still scared because he knew Sukuna could box and drop him in 0.5 seconds if he wanted to so he took the punishment every single day up until 9th grade when Sukuna had gotten bored and stopped bullying him but it didn't stop geto from killing himself he was even depressed because of all the bullying they even beat him up so badly he was purple,blue and red some times Sukuna friends would go behind him and cut Geto even though Sukuna never physically hurt Geto or touched Geto he even tried to protect him not sure why but he always said to Geto "don't let them bully you because if you die I won't get ur money"

Geto took a liking into Sukuna and even asked him out once but Sukuna rejected just like he did with everyone but one day Geto didn't come to school which was weird but every since that day Geto never came to school again Sukuna never knew why but his friends just laughed at that and said "At least he's gone"

-flash back ended-
Sukuna said "I didn't make him kill friends did" Gojo stared into his eyes with rage and said "Either way I don't care anymore Sukuna someone has to pay I already killed ur little friends so now it's just you!" Then before Sukuna could say anything Gojo held up a needle which made Sukuna flinch Gojo looked back at him and said "It won't hurt that much Sukuna ur only going to sleep forever" Sukuna started to cry and said "please..I don't want to die" Gojo felt pity for him but didn't care

He put the needle up to Sukuna throat and said "goodnight" Sukuna started to cry before he slowly closed his eyes

Sukuna oxygen levels dropped he took his last breath after 5 minutes Gojo then sat on the ground and held Sukuna cold body in his arms he squeezed him tightly then pulled out another needle and stuck it into his neck he kissed Sukuna head and said his final words

"We could've been happy together but maybe not in this lifetime...So for now it's goodbye"

Gojo sighed in relief and closed his eyes a small tear drop fell from his eyes before his last breath came out all there was nothing left

The two died together and spilt there separate ways in the after life but once reincarnated they will meet again

*The End*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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