Losing control (pt1/2)

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Gojo POV
"Sukuna stop whining like a little bitch"

Nobody's POV
After 30 more minutes Gojo stopped at let Sukuna rest Sukuna's body was hurting it was hard for him to fall asleep but he did very quickly his eyes were red and swollen Gojo almost felt bad for him while Sukuna was sleep Gojo took a cold shower and washed off every last drop of Sukuna milk and his to when he got out he shaved then put his clothes on preparing for bed while in bed he turned Sukuna towards him and Sukuna immediately buried his head in Gojo chest which made Gojo question himself

"Did I really have to kidnap him so he could fall in love so easily? Or does he always do this?"
  Gojo fell asleep after thinking for a good 10 minutes
-time skip- (the next morning)
Gojo woke up before Sukuna and put Sukuna some clothes and food on the bed and even covered him up after 20 minutes Sukuna woke up with his eyes still swollen and puffy from the other night Sukuna could barely sit up he felt pain shooting up his back and ass Sukuna searched around letting out a small whimper because of the pain then he saw a yellow sticky note it said "I'll be back soon my love" Sukuna face turned red but he was very much annoyed

Sukuna then looked over to see clothes and food he quickly grabbed the food searching it he thought to himself "Even if this is going to kill me or even if the food is drugged I have no reason left to live" his facial expression was blank he was deeply hurt but he didn't care he started eating fast he was hungry Gojo probably made him lose a lot of weight from all that moving he did for 8 hours then Sukuna sat up straight he tried to stand but he fell to his knees "Shit" he whispered once more before grabbing his clothes and crawling to the bathroom

He didn't know Gojo had cameras and was watching him Gojo laughed to himself "How cute and pathetic he is I feel pitiful"
Sukuna climbed into the tub after removing the big shirt that was on him but instead of sitting on his butt he lied down onto his stomach with his butt in the air because of all the pain he couldn't sit in the hard tub so he had to let the water hit him after a few minutes he finally got on his knees and washed himself with the towel Gojo left him then he looked down and realized there was still milk inside of him

So he inserted two fingers inside of himself and tried to clean it out he started crying and whining in pain after he finally got it all out he noticed that he was swollen down there so he turned on the cold water to try to ease the pain which it helped for a moment until he decided to get back out he then put on the clothes that was bigger than him but it fit well enough since his pants had a string on it so he could pull it up

He then went back to the bed and took off the sheets because they was dirty and so he didn't want to lay on a dirty mattress afterward he looked around in Gojo dresser and he found new sheets he then put them on the bed then he limped back to the bathroom and he then realized there was a window so he locked the door and tried to open the window but it was to small and to high up "Damnit!" He cursed

-time skip-
Gojo had got back home around nighttime and he was very drunk Sukuna didn't even notice because he was busy reading a book with the little light that was shining through the window Gojo stumbled into bed before staring at Sukuna eyes

Sukuna noticed he was staring and he got scared thinking Gojo was going to hurt him but instead Gojo reached and pulled of his bandages revealing his beautiful eyes Sukuna mouth slightly opened because he was shocked then Gojo said

"Su-Sukuna...I will let you go if you promise not to leave me like everyone else did"

Sukuna was lost for words and didn't reply until 5 minutes later he said "If you really want me to stay I will as long as you let me go"  Sukuna was lying but Gojo couldn't careless he didn't even care but before Gojo passed out he picked up Sukuna like he was a kid Sukuna looked shocked *He can lift me?..* he then placed Sukuna on his lap and pulled Sukuna head down so he could hug him while he was sleep then he tightly hugged Sukuna and whispered

"I Know Ur Probably Lying.... But I'd like for you to stay with me forever even if it means that you love someone else. I'm sorry for hurting you"

Sukuna eyes began to water as he saw Gojo eyes close Sukuna stayed on top of Gojo and soon fell asleep while hugging him back

(To be continued)

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