Sukuna dream

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-Time skip- (a few months later)

Nobody POV
Gojo and Sukuna was laughing while building a snowman they had really escaped I guess you could say the snow was so cold but with Gojo Sukuna felt so light and warm Gojo then picked up Sukuna and put him on his back they even made snow angels then they went in the house to eat Sukuna said "So is our bucket list over with?" Gojo said "No there's one last thing I want to do in this world" Gojo looked at Sukuna and Sukuna said "You can do it.."
Gojo then walked over to Sukuna and held Sukuna in his arms he picked Sukuna up and took him to the bedroom they both made out for 20 minutes then they did the deed for 5 hours making Sukuna cry even though it hurt badly he wanted Gojo to continue

When Gojo was done him and Sukuna looked at each other deeply in love Gojo said "There's nothing left now is there?" Sukuna said "No we can go in peace now" They turned on the TV while getting dressed the news reporter said

"We're looking for a man named Gojo Satoru he's 6ft and weight is 170pounds he is on the run for killing 7 people and robbing a bank if you see him call 911 immediately"
Sukuna and Gojo laughed then they cried together and Sukuna said "I don't want to die anymore but I don't want to lose you" Gojo said "It'll be okay as long as we're together don't cry" Sukuna hugged and held onto Gojo they heard sirens outside and Gojo looked at Sukuna and he nodded they both jumped out the window onto the snow pile that they had built then they got in the car and was doing a high speed chance Sukuna held Gojo hand tightly he was scared and then... *BEEP...BEEP...BEEPPPPP*

A car hit them and the car flipped over 3 times they both fell out the car Sukuna now bleeding from his mouth with a broken leg he crawled towards Gojo who was lying on the ground spitting up blood then he hugged Gojo and said

"I Love You Forever And Always Will...Even if Nobody Knows"

4 months later Sukuna woke up in the hospital there was tubes in his mouth Gojo started crying when he saw Sukuna eyes open he hugged him tightly and Sukuna said "I'll never leave you idiot" Gojo smiled and laughed while tears was running down his face he said "I thought you wouldn't wake up please dont scare me like that" Sukuna kissed Gojo

-time skip-
Sukuna POV
"Gojo!!!! Gojo come eat breakfast before you head off to work!" I then picked up my cat and said "Let's go get dad so he can eat breakfast" before I walked in I put my cat down then I opened the door and saw Gojo was fast asleep or so I thought I shook him and he jumped up and hugged me saying "Got you!" I laughed as he tickled me then he said "Will you please let me have you once more" I said "It really hurts because ur too rough you have to be slow even then it hurts" he frowned until I shook my head he started hugging and kissing me

"How could anyone not love someone as cute as you Sukuna??" I giggled

(To be continued)

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