The killer's bride (pt 1/2)

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Sukuna POV
I heard as I opened my eyes slightly and slowly it was a stupid fly, I then tried to move but I felt something tight around my legs, arms, and waist I looked down to see that I was at least 4-5 feet above ground tied to a rope I was stripped to my underwear the rope was tight grabbing me and there was a chain around my neck then I noticed tools like knives and blades on the wall and in a tray like they were going to experiment on me

I felt scared and I couldn't open my mouth there was tape around my mouth, but before I could look and think the door in the room opened slowly and made a sound that made me jump... it hurt my ears badly but then I saw a man who was at least 6ft and taller maybe 198cm? Or much taller he looked at me he had some kind of bloody bandages covering his eyes he looked young to and without saying anything he walked towards a knife

My heart started beating fast when he started burning the knife then he walked up to me with the hot steaming knife I tried to move but he held me still then he proceeded to burn through my skin he laughed as I cried he had drawn a small heart on my thigh then he wrote next to it with a sharpie I couldn't make out the words at first because I was crying but it said "Ur cute" he then walked over to me and let down the ropes while my neck and arms were still tied up

He opened his mouth and said "You took that better than expected...I like you so I'm going to keep you all to myself allowing no one but me to have you" he then shot both cameras that were in the room and locked the door then he walked back over to me and took the tape off of me I started crying trying to get up but he pushed me over then he said, "Are you trying to escape???" In a playful voice but after a few seconds, I replied "Let me go you asshole!"

"See this is why I choose you little Sukuna no matter how much pain or in you still run ur pretty little mouth"
Before I could reply he injected a needle into my neck and said "Sleep tight" My eyes closed slowly and once again I felt miserable

-time skip- (Sukuna POV)
My eyes and head hurt so badly (I thought to myself while half awake) I then looked around the room to see a candle that was lit and some tools, I then realized I was on a bed my thigh was still hurting but there was a bandage around it...this time there was nothing around my hands or my waist but there was a chain around my neck big enough so it'd be hard to break and there was also one around my ankle that allowed me to go so far but not far enough

Then the door opened it was the white-haired man he looked at me and smiled before saying "How was ur sleep" While rubbing my head I replied, "Please let me go I didn't do anything to you..." He only stared at me for 1 minute or more before saying "I know you didn't but I like you so I'm going to keep you" I looked at him with teary eyes then he kissed my forehead and said

"Don't get me wrong ur very cute but I'd never date you because to me ur nothing but a slave who delivered himself to me."

My heart sank I was scared and horrified of what he might do to me then he grabbed my face forcing me to kiss him but that didn't last long because I bit his tongue " stupid bitch." He said then he slapped me and kicked me in my ribs I groaned in pain then he pulled my hair back and said "Listen carefully..if you dare to hurt me... Which you obviously can't but if you so much as try trust me... I will-" before he could say anything his phone started to ring, he then looked at me once more before leaving

(To Be Continued)

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