The Investigation (pt2/3)

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Sukuna POV

As I walked in my office for the 100th time I sat down preparing to be harassed by fan girls and worked to death I sighed and opened my laptop to check all my emails while I was doing some work I looked at the clock and realized it was almost noon

I jumped to the sound of my phone ringing I stared at it for 4-5 seconds then I picked it up saying hello I thought it was going to be a important call but a man answered and said "Hello little Sukuna" his voice was deep but steady and it sent chills down my spine I said "W-who is this" the boy on the other line then started to laugh and as soon as Sukuna was about to hang up he said "If you hang up I will kill you while ur sitting behind that desk of urs" Sukuna heart dropped he couldn't even speak he began to panic he tried to look around seeing if he saw somebody watching him then he got up and closed the curtains and shut the door when he came back to the phone the other man on the line said "It's nice seeing you panic and try to close the curtains but that does nothing if you don't know where I'm watching you from" Sukuna finally spoke up

"I-I..what is i-it that you want?"
The man behind the phone laughed and said "If you do me a favor I won't kill you." Sukuna said "Okay w-what should I do?" The man then instructed him to pick up the paper next to him and write down what he was about to tell him Sukuna quickly did as he said not wanting to die "Tell ur little boss I cut off her husband dick and blood went everywhere" Sukuna hesitantly wrote down everything he was saying to him then after 30 minutes of talking to Sukuna he finally said "Alright that's it for today little Sukuna tomorrow I'll send you an address I want you to pick up something for me" Sukuna immediately hung up and ran out the room with the paper and his phone he started screaming at the lady at the front desk saying call 911

Next chapter (Time skip)
*911 what's ur emergency?"

(To be continued)

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