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-Minimal grammar errors, not revised
-3533 words

Startled, Keigo yelps, dropping the wine. It hits the floor and shatters, the dark red liquid seeping across the white marbled floors in a puddle. His eyes were wide, and in a single leap of instinct, his wings puff out, pushing Touya off of his body forcefully. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand as he whips around, a now-hardened feather in his hand, sharp and ready to be used.
"Who are you?" Keigo says, with a sharp, but calm voice. His words were well spaced out, he spoke well in a noble manner unlike Dabi who had a roughness to his vowels and scarcity of grace in his words.

Dabi was normally good at this..but the prince had wings. He stepped across the room to get to where he was, crushing the wine glass beneath his heavy boots. "Who's askin'?" He hummed, his voice deep and powerful. He shoved one hand into his pocket, and another reaching for the torch in which he lit on command. "I jus wanna talk.." he whispered, the glow of the fire dancing across his features, his face matching to his voice, dark and devastatingly beautiful. And the sleeves of tattoos that painted the skin that was visible on his arms.

"Keigo." he replied. The prince didn't use his title, as it hadn't crossed his mind. It wasn't like he was lying, right? He was Keigo, and that was what was asked of him. He takes a step back, eyebrows furrowed together as he tries to take in the man in front of him. Another feather detaches, landing in his open palm before it hardens like the other, brandishing his weapons.
"Now, again, who are you?" his voice was more stern, still not raising it. If he could keep this between them, and not wake anyone, that would be ideal.

Dabi gave a small chuckle, grinning at him and raising a brow. He leaned against the wall and playing with the torch in his hands. His rings cold against his fingers. He closed his fist tightly around the wood when he looked at him, he was still asking about his name. "M' Touya" he hummed, "what are ya gonna do, little bird~?" he teased, knowing that he couldn't do shit. His wings, not fireproof. He's basically been invincible since he sold his soul.

Keigo, though definitely wary and alert, it was evident that Touya's intentions were to harm, still stayed put and stood his ground. His wings flared up, puffing his feathers out almost protectively. His grip on the two feathers in his hands tightened, knuckles white. "What is your business here?" he spits out, his voice hard.

"Jus want to pay my condolences... in person.." he grinned, making a small bow, looking up at him as he slightly bent forward. It was nothing respectful. It was all just a joke to him, and he'd have the final laugh. He stood straight up again, a smirk plastered to his face. "Now if you'll excuse meh, 'll be on my way. You're not gonna to be an obstacle, are ya?" He picked up a flower from the vase that shattered, in the fire light, it looked like porcelain. It was fragments of porcelain against the floor. Imported from China, symbolizing alliance. He shifted weight from both feet to one foot, waiting for him to move. He was in the way, and it wouldn't move, things would get heated. Literally.

His wings spread, blocking the space so Touya couldn't get past him. He shifts, being obvious he was bracing himself in his position."You expect to come into my kingdom, and for me to, what, let you in with open arms, waving your torch at me like I'm some monster?" He huffs a laugh. "You must be mad if you are really under that belief."

Touya made a face of disgust when he didn't move for him, making him frown. His kingdom? Fuck him. Keigo acted as if he was some exiled creature. He bared his teeth and looked to him when he called him mad. He refused to believe that and killed anyone on the spot who called him that. He took another step toward him, blowing his torch out so it was pitch black, and then lit his hands with the fire that gets him called a symbol of satan himself. The blue glow made his hair flow and his eyes flair, his hands scorching hot. "Well Keigo, I've bout had it and I'm done playin." he growled, stepping more forward and reaching for him, then putting his hand on the expensive wood of the castle. Like feathers, wood burns. He'd kill the king after all.

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