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1601 words
—————————————————————————Keigo was utterly shocked at the state of all of his people. It was pitiful, how bone-thin and hungry they looked all thanks to him and his family. He winced at the cheering, walking in on shaking legs and sticking close behind Touya. Once in the room he pressed himself against the wall, far enough away from anyone but Touya as he could  be.

Touya looked at his people. He interacted with them. Guarded yet so kind. But, he did keep this tough guy front up. They asked about the ransom and he said the king hadn't offered yet and he was expecting. They asked when their next raid would be. They asked when they'd be given more food and he said that he was working on it, he was.

One man, in particular, spent the entire time glaring at Keigo. He snarled at him with a scowl and disgust lingered in his eyes. Eventually, he draws closer, eyes never leaving Keigo.
"I think we should just kill him now. Give them kingdom a reason to fear us. To know we aren't playing games." his voice was husky and dark, reaching down to his leg for what seemed to be a knife-holder.

And Touya looked at him as we spoke, he was calm yet enraged on the inside. "I think we should go on with the plan" he said, looking at him. "What good does it do killing him now when that gives the king no motivation for anything. If we kill him now, the king will be more enraged with us and send allies on us, we won't stand a goddamn chance"

The room was full of hushed whispers, people arguing their opinions. They were tired of being ignored, and the man had a point. Keigo didn't move, eyes wide, legs still shaking slightly.
"So what? We as one are an army, and we've been training. We need to send a sign, and this little runt would be the perfect eye-catcher. The King's only heir to the throne? Swipe it off the playing field now and we win." he was yelling, obviously confident in his ideas. People behind him now seemed to be standing straighter, drawing in closer as they heard him out, starting to believe his ideas. The mans knife was now in his palm, grasped and ready to use.

"And we will have our sign" Touya said loudly as he walked over to the man. "It is not quite our time" he said, "we raided yesterday and it abduction was our sign. We are not to kill him. We should take his wife and do so." The king had took upon one a few years back. "We all know he prizes her above the kingdom, we should kill her. The prince is not to die at our hands quite yet" he said. He looked back at everyone. "The devil spoke to me in my dream last night and I know he did some of you too." He said to them. "You think I would come with far and bring you guys along, just for us to lose in the end?" He said, and then scoffed. "You people have lost your minds.." he muttered, "he is not to die"

Keigo watched as he lectured the crowd, the man huffing and simply leaving the room. Everyone else though, stayed still and silent, unsure of what to do, worried they might press Touya too far. Keigo's eyes stayed on Touya, watching him from behind, not caring about the crowd anymore. He was safe with him.

Touya looked at everyone else. "Who else feels this way?" He yelled at them. "Can any of you tell me where you'd be right now if it wasn't for me? For the work I've put into this? I was a better life for everyone here and it's not like I don't make sacrifices for you guys. I find it absurd that half of you would be willing to throw it all away for a temporary thrill." He snarled at them. He went to his most trusted man in the group. "You are to go to the king tomorrow, in my place and ask for a ransom. Kill his wife if he says no, which he will."

Keigo's eyes widen and he jumps forward, holding Touya's shoulder.
"Wait! Let me...let me talk to the King. I'll...I can explain to him the needs of the kingdom. Maybe he can change, maybe he can help-"

He looked over at Keigo, he'd come so far with his people but at the same time, he didn't want to loose the first good thing in a long time to happen to him. He sighed softly, "okay, but I'll have to go with you" Touya nodded

Keigo nods, realizing he was probably too close for the audience they had. He backs away, sighing as he nods.

"Change of plans everyone" Touya shouts. "I will go with the prince to his palace..that is final. Everybody go home." He muttered, pointing toward the door

"Thank you..." Keigo says quietly. He didn't want anyone killed, even if he despised his parents, if they could do this without any bloodshed, then he would try his best.

The room quietly filed out, obeying orders. Keigo exhales, leaning his forehead against Touya's shoulder after everyone was gone, letting his arms wrap around him loosely. "We need to go quickly." he says softly. grabs his hand, holding it tightly. He didn't want to let go.

He held his hand back, looking at him and kissing him. He broke it after a while, "the tunnels are down stairs" Touya said, there was a basement.

Keigo gives him a small smile, nodding as he pulls away. "Lead the way then, love." he says softly, looking up at him.

Touya leads him down a hallway, which had stairs, and then lights a torch with his own finger tips. And then there's tunnels, "I have access everywhere. These lead to everything.."

Keigo looks around, wide eyed. It was all so interesting, but at the same time, almost eery.
"Everywhere?" he asks quietly as they walk.

"Yeah.." Touya replied, even to the castle.." he whispered, walking down it. He looks over at him. "I'm not a very good man" he murmurs, then looking forward.

Keigo catches up, grabbing his hand.
"I don't think anyone really is.." he says softly, intertwining their fingers as they walk, falling in step with Touya.

Touya looks over at him, swinging their hands gently. "What have you done?" He asks him. It was a while of a walk before they got there, they had time on their hands

Keigo shrugs. "Depends on what you consider bad. What makes a bad man, bad?" he asks, looking up at him.

"Anything he deems bad. I think killing and hurting people deliberately is bad." Dabi says, lighting the torches on the walls with his own torch while he walks past them

Keigo  hums.
"What if the man regrets it? Or the people he hurt were hurting him first?" he asks softly, his hand running along the other side of the dewy stone wall as they walk.

"I regret some things..but I still think some things I've done are bad" and then Touya shakes his head. "I don't think he's bad if people were hurting him first." He said.

Keigo hum's soft in agreement.
"I don't think you're a bad man."

"Thank you.." Touya hummed, looking at him. His thick boots clunked against the stone floor. "What was your life like. In the caste"

Keigo thinks for a moment, remembering the long days and nights he sat in the castle alone, something that felt like forever ago.
"Long, boring, lonely. I took up alcohol as my only friend once I figured out how to get into the wine cellar....I don't think I was ever sober after that...""I wasn't ever allowed out of the castle, or on trips my parents went on, or meetings. I was just the heir, but honestly I'm just something to show off at events. They don't really care."

"That sounds..awful. Are you happy to be out?" Touya asks, looking over at him. He felt a bit sorry. He had the wrong idea of him in his head before he'd met him. He thought he was this high and mighty, egotistical, pretty boy who didn't give a damn about his people. Keigo was the complete opposite. He nods, watching his feet as they walk.
"I am. I hated it in there."
Is all he says, voice quiet as he recounts all the sleepless nights, and his constant-drunken state. He sighs.
"I'm happy here, with you."

Touya looked at him, caressing the back of his hand with his thumb. "I'm happy I'm here with you too" he hummed. "Living by myself is lonely" he whispered.

Keigo nods, not looking up.
"It was lonely for me too. With how little people wanted to interact with me, I might as well have been living there alone..." He trails, shaking his head.
"I'm glad I get to be here with you now, and actually live."

"I've lived here always thinking that whoever lived in the castle had more freedom then I did.." Touya said, "I was wrong" he nodded, they were almost there to the castle. "I'll show you how to live" he grinned at him,

He laughs softly, finally looking up at him.
"I'd love that." Keigo says, returning the playful grin, mischief gleaming in his eyes.

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