Chapter Eighteen

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*Will's POV*

After I was done talking to Sparkle, I was thinking of going to the gym. I started to walk downstairs of my house and I saw Dad looking at some papers.

Dad and I don't have the best relationship when Mom left us a couple of years ago. It ruined him that she just left like that with no reason at all.

No one knew.

"Come here and look at this," he ordered me. I didn't feel like having an argument with him so I just did what he said. I sat across from him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well, I think the credit card company finally got me," he said.

I gave him a puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

"So, I sort of forgot to pay the last payment."

"But all you have to do is to pay more money."

"Technically, it wasn't just one payment." I looked at the bills.

"What the hell?! Nine thousand dollars?!"

"It wasn't my fault though," he explained. "The credit card company just forgot to bill me."

"Dad, they did. Ten times." Then I looked at what he bought. "Beer. Vodka. Gin. Is what most you bought are drinks?"

"It's none of your business."

"It is my business," I spat. "I live in this house too."

"I don't know about now," he said.

"What has gotten into you? Ever since Mom left two years ago, you've been so mopey."

"I'm not mopey. I'm stressed out. I don't want you to bother me."

"You're the one that called me," I said. "I'm going out."

"No you're not. You're going to help me."

"It's not my business, remember?" I got up and started to walk towards the door.

"See, you're always leaving. It's probably because of that damn learning disability."

I turned around angrily. "That doesn't have to do with anything."

"Oh yeah it does. You almost got held back so many times because of your dumb ass. If you could've been like Trey ..."

"Can you shut the hell up with damn Trey?!" I exclaimed. "You must be drunk right now that you're talking like a nasty asshole. Wait, that's your personality."

He pulls my collar towards him. "Don't test me, boy.

"Don't test me, Dad." I got out of his grip, and started to leave. "Don't wait up for me." I slammed the door and went to my car.

He annoys the shit out of me and I'm getting tired of him using the 'Trey' card with me. Who wants to be a pretty boy asshole that thinks life is fucking pretty?

I need gloves and a punching bag.

I drove to the gym, thinking about the events that had happened. Fucking Trey.

Can't think about him. Ruining my mood.

The gym wasn't as packed as it would and I greeted the owner of the gym.

"Hey, what's up, Damir?"

"Nothing much, bro. Let me guess, more problems and you came here?"

"Sort of," I answered. Back in the day, Damir was like a big brother to me. He showed me to the right path when I was getting into fights. Yeah, I didn't listen to him as much.

He gave me my gloves. "Knock yourself out."

I nodded and walked to the punching bag area. I used to come here every single week to work myself out because Damir told me not to use my anger towards people. Sometimes, I'd listened. But it helps a lot. I saw someone was in another punching bag across from me.

I saw the guy using jabs and fists to try if he can actually break it. I ignored him and went to my bag.

I put my music volume on medium, while focusing on punching. All of the stress I'm having, all of the problems I'd caused, I was thinking it through. I was in my zone, but it got interrupted when a person tapped me on my shoulder.

I got annoyed quickly because I was in my mood. I turned around and saw the same guy.

"My bad for interrupting but you dropped your wallet." He got it off the floor, then handed it to me.

"Thanks. How did you get your jabs to go so tight?"

"I just relax my hands and arms. It comes out naturally. Don't force it. Just let it loose."

I did what he said and messed up the first time. I started to do it the second time and it didn't work. I started to get a bit annoyed.

"Breathe," the guy told me. "Be patient." 

"Yeah, listen to him!" I overheard Damir said in the background. "Don't mind me! I'm just here for entertainment and my paycheck!"

I took out everything in my mind. All of the issues, the problems, the conflicts, everything. I focused on the punching bag, and then I punched it with all I had.

"You just did a tight jab." The guy clapped. "Impressive."

"Thanks," I said. "It feels good to do that."

"I think that you had all of this anger that you needed to do that. Hey, I'm having the same thing too but for a different reason."

"Well, it's just for family issues," I stated. "Wife problems?"

"Nah, I'm not married yet," he said. "But I do love a girl though but it's complicated. I helped her when she was going through a whole bunch of shit in her life. I was the only one that was there for her."

"Well my guess is that you need to tell her how you feel," I say. "You only live once."

"Yeah, that's true. And with your family issues, family is hard to take care but it depends, either you stay with them or you leave them."

"Yeah, listen to him!" I heard Damir exclaimed again. 

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Will," I answered. "Yours?"

"Leon. Nice to meet you."

A/N: What's up? Hope you like this chapter and I have one announcement.

So now that I'm in college, I might not post frequently because of classes and I have to study every single day. I will try my best to update and not leave you guys hanging. 

Alright, I'll see you guys later and follow my social media sites!

- Jaz

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