Chapter Seventeen

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*Jasmine's POV*

After the meeting with Ms. Little, I was relieved that I didn't get into deep trouble. I was so close, so close to going to England.

"We're sorry that we didn't believe you, Jaz," Dad apologized to me.

"Why didn't you go on my side in the first place?" I questioned. "You're my parents."

"Well, I didn't know what to expect," Mom said. "I was still shocked though."

"It doesn't seem like you did," I said.


"You're my own parents. You're not going to believe your own daughter but you believe a principal that accused me of something dumb. Maybe because I have a record that is way out of line." I sighed. "Great parents, huh? I'm going to class."

I walked away from them, leaving the office.

I don't know who to believe anymore. That is one of the reasons why I don't trust a lot of people. It's my parents, but that doesn't mean that you immediately believe the opposite person that accused your own daughter.

It's just a few more months, I said to myself.

Even after all the shit I told to Trey, he still helped me. I feel like an asshole.

I want to apologize to him so bad but I can't. I don't want him to think that everything is okay and we're good again because we're not. He made a move on me, and I don't know where it stands for me and him.

It made me have a different perspective of him now and it's so confusing that a nice guy can like a girl like me.

After walking around in the hallways, I overheard Will's voice.

"I didn't do all of that," I heard him say. "That chick is lying."

"Will, how am I going to believe you and five witnesses ratted you out?" Another guy asked. I walked a little bit and I see him and another man in the front of the office.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, because you're my father?"

"Wrong answer," his father said. "That kid Trey should teach you some manners. He's a good kid."

"Don't want to talk about that douche," Will said angrily.

"It happened three years ago," his dad states. "Let it go."

"I'm not. Never. I'm going to class." He walks away from his dad and goes to my direction. I started to walk away and pretend that I didn't hear anything.

Will and Trey had a good friendship before, but what happened that broke that bond? If it's for a girl, I'm gonna punch the shit out of both of them. Even though I'm not talking to one of them.

"Hey Sparkle!"

I knew it was Will and I turned around. I need to make this lie believable.

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"So, I think I got suspended for stupid shit," he told me.

"Graffiti?" I questioned. "Don't worry, Ms. Little accused me too."

"Me and her wasn't on good terms anyway," he said. "But eh, life goes on. So anyway, me and you. Bowling?"

"Why do you always want me to go everywhere with you?" I asked.

"Because it's fun," he answered. "So on Friday?"

"The last time I was with you somewhere, we almost got arrested."

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