Chapter Thirty-Five

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A day later...

Trey's POV

No one hasn't heard from Jasmine in almost two days.

It had been a very stressful day for all of us here.

Mr and Mrs. Vega had declared a missing persons report on Jasmine and the police is finding everywhere around New York, Jersey, and Philly to see where she'd went.

Everyone tried to call and text her, but it went straight to voicemail. The last post she'd put on Instagram and Twitter was just something fun a week ago, but I know she would never post anything that can reveal her location.

I had to go back home with Mom and Sophie had to go home with her dad. Will and Adrian stayed behind.

That day when Jasmine ran off felt unreal. It was the last time I'd ever saw her. When Will revealed to everyone that I was involved in a shooting with someone, it made me so guilty for what I'd done.

I'd almost killed Will.

That gun was there, waiting for me to make the worst decision I'd made in my life.

Guilt ate me up alive that Will was blamed for the shooting and was sent to juvie. That should be me in there with him.

I tried tracking down the people that shot Thomas Blackburn. But, there was no evidence at all.

It made me hate myself and Will hating me.

Telling the most guiltily thing to someone that I loved killed me.

Yes, I think I'm actually in love with Jasmine Vega.

"I can't believe that she got you in this mess!" Mom exclaimed when she was driving us home. It was going to be a long drive home since she just picked me up with lots of questions.

"Mom, she didn't do anything."

"Trey, she could've got you in jail!" She exclaimed again. "Or maybe dead!"

"She hasn't done anything to harm me and you were the one that said she had some issues in her personal life. That's sort of hypocritical."

"I wanted you to go to New York because I want you to have an adventure outside of school, not following some ... delinquent!"

"Mom, stop it!" I yelled. "Jasmine is perfectly fine. You were the one to have hope on her, but since you assume that she is on the run for computer fraud, you call her names. At least I'm not the only one that keeps secrets."

She sighed. "I don't believe in the cops, but it seemed suspicious. But, I shouldn't assume before I know the true facts. And what are you talking about with keeping secrets?"

"How come you told me when I was six, you said that I have a mother and a father in one? How come you told me that my father didn't care? Is he really dead?"

She pulled the car over to the nearest gas station. "Trey, you'd never cared before. Why not?"

"Who is my father?"

I wanted to end this closure, this mystery. Is my dad really dead? Is he alive? Is it John Jones?

Mom took out something from one of the car compartments and showed me an old picture. "This is your father."

"It is John Jones, isn't it?"

She nodded, starting to have tears in her eyes. "It is."

For the past eighteen years in my life, my father was alive, well, and raising another child other than me. I didn't have a father who played catch with me, or came to my Daddy and Me days at school. I didn't learn anything about girls or sex. I had to experiment and do research myself.

Did he even care?

"We were dating for about two months until I became pregnant. Then, some other girl became pregnant at the same time as me."

Will's mom.

"I got so pissed off that I'd left out of Philly," she continued. "I had you when I was eighteen and he was about twenty. I was afraid that my parents were going to kick me out the house, so I'd left to live in California."

"A few months later, I'd came back to Philly. It was hard for my parents to take me back in after me leaving everything behind. And, they weren't mad that I was pregnant; they were just concerned on my leaving."

"So, how did you find out that John was still in the city?" I asked.

"After you were born, John found out that I was back here and wanted to find me to explain himself," she answered. "He did and hold you when you under intensive care. But, he'd disappeared."

"Until me and Will met at the park," I added. One day, Will was playing in the sandbox alone and I decided to play with him.

"Yep, you two were nine years old and I saw Sienna. Will's mother."

"Was it awkward for you?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was. Just to think that he'd went and had sex with another woman, added to her being pregnant. It's not a good feeling."

"But didn't she left John and Will too?"

She nodded. "They were arguing too much. But John started to beat her that she had to leave without Will. They tried to get custody, but with all the money John had, trying was a joke."

"I haven't seen John since," she finished.

The story that Mom told me changed what kind of person John really was. He was an asshole, but now he's an bigger asshole.

Leaving her when she was eighteen was the wrong thing, but all he wanted to do was use her and run to another person.

"Why didn't Will know?" I asked.

"It's not my place to say anything," Mom answered. She gets out the car and went inside the gas station.
My phone started to ring and I saw the caller ID.

A private number

I immediately picked up. "Hello?"


The same voice I fell in love with. Jasmine.


"Don't ask questions," she stated. "Are you okay? Are my parents okay?"

"They're pissed off. Jasmine, where are you? The cops are looking for you."

"Trey, I'm not coming back."

"The hell you mean you're not coming back?!" I yelled. "You need to come back!"

"Trey, I saw myself on the news," she said. "I'm on the run for computer fraud and identity theft."

Identify theft? Where did that come from?

"I guess that they think I'd stole money from Michael Baker," she continued. "Someone's been watching me. My every move."

"That doesn't mean you give up. Jasmine, come home."

"I'm a runner, Trey," she said. "I don't belong there. I'd damaged everything that I was there. I have to find out who did this to me."

"They're going to find you," I admitted. "The CIA are going to find you."

"No they won't. Trey, I'm going to go."


"I could be alive or dead. If I do die, then find someone that loves you for you."

"But I love you."

"That's a lie," she spat. "Bye, Trey. Tell Sophie I'm sorry, tell Nate that I hope he'll have a relationship with my parents, tell Leon to follow his dreams, tell my parents that I love them, tell Will to do whatever he wants to do. And Trey?"


"Be a singer. That's what you love. That's your talent. I'll see you if I go to heaven."

The call dropped.

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