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                                      Connecticut, April 3, 1978'

  Lorraine warren 

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  Lorraine warren 

So he tried kissing you, and you didn't feel a spark,' Katy groaned, putting her head between her arms. 'Yeah,' she mumbled. Ashley thought for a moment, 'What's making you ick?''Everything,' Ashley raised her eyebrow. However, Katy was too distracted by her religious studies book and her Ph.D. dissertation, and the lack of information about cults and their history in the library. With the thought in mind, Katy groaned out loud.Katy checked the time and realized it was getting late, and she was going to be late meeting Ed. She took up interning for the Warrens last summer at their home office, filing their case files and other small bookeeping tasks. In exchange, Ed and Lorraine helped provide her more insight for her thesis. 'I have to go, Ash. Ed wants me to reorganize his cases and maybe he can help track down more information about this particular cult I need.' Ashley smiled, 'and what about Lorraine?'Katy stopped putting her books in her bag and looked at Ashley, 'What about her?' Ashley knew Katy had a little crush on her. 'Aren't you going to hang out with her too?' Katy looked astounded and shook her head as she rushed out the large library.The drive to the Warren's home was 20 minutes and involved a cassette of Elvis Presley's lovely singing. Katy's car was a tan town car and matched her pencil skirt.She rang the doorbell, smoothing her jacket and hair, and became more anxious when Lorraine opened the door.Lorraine smiled brightly; she was wearing a long white dress and her hair down. She had a bit of blush around the apples of her cheeks and was currently holding her rosary. Katy felt shy whenever she spoke to Lorraine, and she can't ever look her directly in the eye. 'Hi Katy, I hope you're doing well.'Katy stammered slightly, trying to maintain composure in front of Lorraine. "Hi, Lorraine. I'm doing fine, thank you." She shifted her weight nervously, avoiding eye contact.Lorraine gestured for Katy to come inside. "Ed is in his study, organizing some files. You know where it is. I'll join you both in a moment." Lorraine's presence had a calming effect on Katy, but it also made her heart race.As Katy made her way to Ed's study, she couldn't help but think about Ashley's question. "Aren't you going to hang out with her too?" Katy shook her head, dismissing the idea. She had always been focused on her studies and work, and any personal feelings she had were buried deep within.Ed looked up from his desk as Katy entered. "Ah, Katy, right on time. I need your help sorting through these documents. We've got a few interesting cases on our hands." Ed handed her a stack of files, and they began working side by side.After a while, Lorraine joined them. "Katy, dear, I was thinking we could have some tea. I just brewed a fresh pot. It might help us relax a bit."Katy nodded, appreciating the offer. The three of them gathered in the kitchen, sipping tea and discussing the cases. Lorraine, always perceptive, noticed Katy's occasional glances in her direction."Katy, is there something on your mind?" Lorraine asked with asked with a warm smile.Caught off guard, Katy blushed and looked down at her tea. "Oh, it's nothing. Just the usual stress with my thesis and all."Lorraine reached across the table, gently placing a hand on Katy's. "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help you, not just with the cases but with anything else too."But before Katy could muster a response, the silence was shattered by the sudden ring of the Warrens' phone. The interruption caught them both off guard, and Katy instinctively withdrew, her blush deepening.Lorraine, with a glance that conveyed both understanding and apology, moved away from the table and reached for the phone. 'Warren's Residence.' Lorraine's face was concentrated as she listened to the voice on the other end. Ed, who had also paused in his sipping, watched Lorraine with a furrowed brow. The atmosphere in the kitchen shifted from one of casual discussion to an air of anticipation.Katy, feeling a mixture of curiosity and anxiety, tried to discreetly eavesdrop on Lorraine's conversation. The words exchanged were cryptic, snippets of phrases like "disturbances," "unexplained phenomena," and the name "Emma."As the conversation progressed, Lorraine's expression transitioned from concentration to a subtle concern. It was clear that whatever information was being shared had invoked a sense of urgency. Ed, catching Katy's inquisitive gaze, gave her a reassuring nod, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.The phone call concluded with Lorraine offering a few words of reassurance. She hung up, her hazel eyes meeting Katy's, and there was a shared understanding that something extraordinary was afoot."I apologize for the interruption," Lorraine said, her voice carrying a mixture of seriousness and warmth. "Father Gordon has a matter he would like to discuss with us."

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