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                                                           Before                                          California, March 4, 1978Emma's mom was supposed to pick her and Emily up for her sleepover 10 minutes ago. Emma tapped her black flat against the concrete, craning her head to see if she possibly missed her."Is your mom always this late?" Emily asked, her pink jacket wrapped around her hands, and her blonde curls bouncing with every word.Emma sighed, a mixture of impatience and mild frustration. "No, she's usually on time. I don't know what's taking her so long today." She glanced at her watch, a subtle worry lining her features.Emily, ever the optimist, tried to lighten the mood. "Maybe she got caught in traffic or something. I'm sure she'll be here soon." As if on cue, the distant hum of an approaching car caught their attention. "There she is!" Emily exclaimed, her infectious enthusiasm momentarily dispelling the tension."Sorry, hun, I didn't have enough gas money and had to borrow some from our neighbor Sal," Her mom ran her fingers through her hair, her dark circles revealing her exhaustion and long work hours. Emma peeved from embarrassment and her family's poorness.As the car drove off and reached the stoplight, Emma's mom turned to the girls, 'I don't want any funny business today, girls, I have a long shift today.'Emily elbowed Emma and pointed to her bag, and Emma smiled. Once inside, Emma's mom hustled to get ready for work. The sound of her rummaging through drawers and the clinking of hangers echoed through the small space. She emerged from her room in her uniform, fatigue etched across her face."I'll be back later tonight," she said, her tone a mix of weariness and concern. "Remember, no mischief. And Emma, take care of our guest."As the evening settled in, Emma and Emily began setting up for their sleepover in the cozy living room of Emma's home. They laid out sleeping bags and arranged a makeshift fort using blankets and cushions. They talked for a bit, gossiped, and giggled over boys. They ate dinner Emma's mom prepared. Chicken and mashed potatoes. Emma eventually set the VHS in, nerves unsettled. Her mom would kill her if she found out she was watching it behind her back. Emily rolled her eyes before settling down and wrapped in her blanket.40 minutes into the movie and Emily was yawning.'God, this is so boring,' she said, braiding her hair, as the main character was undergoing a major exorcism. Emma, however, was uneasy and was slightly shaking. Emily turned to her, "You're scared Emma... you have to be serious."Emily turned off the movie. "We can play a game then." Emma still couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad is going to happen and she had an urgency to cry.Emily rummaged into her bag and pulled out a book, 'Stories of the Strange and Unusual.' "We can play this game; I played it at a sleepover last month. It's called The Midnight Man. There are instructions on how to play it.""I don't know, Emily." Emily sighed loudly. "You're so boring, Emma; I thought we were going to have fun, but you're always scared. That's why no one invites you to sleepovers.""Fine, let's do it; it's almost midnight anyway," Emma said, mustering a false bravado. She joined Emily in setting up the candles, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows across the room. They pricked their fingers and wrote their names. The instructions echoed in their minds as they prepared for the ritual.As the clock struck midnight, they began the unsettling game. The room, once a haven of comfort, now felt like a portal to the unknown. The girls moved cautiously in the dim light, ensuring the candles stayed lit and the rules were followed. The air crackled with a strange energy, a mix of fear and anticipation.Despite Emily's initial bravado, a subtle unease crept into her demeanor as the game progressed. The weight of the midnight hour pressed on them, and the stories of the strange and unusual seemed to come to life in the flickering candlelight.Suddenly, a chill swept through the room, causing Emily's candle to flicker ominously. Emily screamed, trying to light the candle, but the lighter seemed to give out. 'Emma, give me your lighter!' As they fumbled with the lighter, Emma's candle blew out, and a crackling hum sounded at her right.Suddenly, as if guided by an invisible hand, Emma felt a force tugging at her. She stumbled backward, a strange sensation gripping her senses. The hum intensified, drowning out any rational thought. With a sudden and unnatural force, Emma fell to the floor, her body convulsing as if caught in the throes of an unseen entity.Foam began to bubble from her mouth, a chilling indication that something far more sinister than a mere game was at play. Emily screamed, 'Emma!' She grabbed her flashlight and saw the horror unfold. All the lights suddenly turned on and then turned off, flickering on and off. The ceiling lights swinging."Emma, wake up! Please!" Emily pleaded, her voice filled with terror. She desperately reached for Emma, her fingers trembling as they touched Emma's cold and clammy skin. The air in the room seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly force, defying the laws of reality.Suddenly, as if the room itself rebelled against the eerie events, the lights ceased their chaotic dance. The abrupt stillness left an unsettling calm in its wake. Emily, still holding her breath, stared at the now motionless surroundings. The ominous hum faded into an eerie silence.As the room settled, Emily noticed a subtle change. Emma, who moments ago seemed caught in the grip of some malevolent force, now lay motionless on the floor. Her eyes fluttered open, confusion clouding her gaze. The foam that had threatened to consume her mouth had vanished, leaving no trace of the unsettling occurrence."Em...Emma, are you okay?" Emily stammered, her voice a fragile whisper. The fear that had gripped her moments ago was now replaced with bewildered relief.Emma blinked, as if waking from a strange dream. "What... what just happened?" she mumbled, looking around the room. The remnants of their makeshift fort, the scattered blankets, and the faint scent of extinguished candles surrounded them."You...you just fell, and things were coming out of your mouth," Emily wailed. "I'm feeling alright now," Emma said, getting up from the floor."Let's just go to bed," Emily said, still uneasy.

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