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                                                             before                                                  California March 15 1978

As the days inched forward, Emma's world seemed to unravel. The financial strain tightened its grip on her family, particularly her mom, who faced the unfortunate reality of losing her job due to layoffs. In response, Emma's mom sought solace in the dimly lit corners of local bars, drowning her worries in the haze of alcohol.One afternoon, as she sat on the porch sipping iced tea, the warm California sun casting long shadows, everything seemed as normal as it could be. Then suddenly, the distant hum of traffic crescendoed into a cacophony, and the air grew thick with tension. Before her eyes, a car accident, the screeching of tires, the crunch of metal, and the shrill sound of breaking glass.Terrified, Emma's grip tightened on her glass as she witnessed the collision play out before her. She gasped, her heart pounding in her chest. In her panic, she screamed for help, drawing the attention of her neighbor, Sal, who rushed out to see the commotion.Breathless and on the verge of hysteria, Emma pointed frantically at the wreckage. Concern etched across Sal's face, he scanned the street, only to find nothing but the usual calm suburban scene. Sal, worry etched across his face, took a step closer and said, "Emma, there's no accident. Are you sure you're okay?"Confused, Emma insisted, "There was a car accident, Sal! I saw it!" She peered over the porch again, searching for the remnants of the collision, but there was no car, no glass, and no blood.Sal, his concern deepening, furrowed his brows and asked cautiously, "Emma, are you... taking any drugs?"Emma's eyes flashed with a mixture of offense and frustration. She clutched the iced tea tightly and retorted, "Drugs? Seriously, Sal? I'm not on anything.""You don't seem like yourself, and, well, you hallucinated an accident, they're not normal. Maybe you see a doctor." Sal said, crossing his arms as he peered inside her house. "Where is your mom?" he asked.Emma took the iced tea and, without a second thought, poured it over Sal. The cold liquid cascaded over him, a stark shock on Sal's face mirrored the escalating intensity of the situation. Emma slammed the sliding door shut, which reverberated with a resounding thud, echoing the turbulence within her."Emma, what the fuck!" Sal screamed through the sliding door.once inside, Emma leaned against the door, her chest heaving with each desperate breath. The air felt thick, and the walls seemed to close in around her. The familiar surroundings of her home offered little solace as the remnants of the vivid hallucination clung to her like a haunting specter.With shaky steps, Emma made her way to the bathroom, the cool tiles providing a stark contrast to the warmth of the California sun outside. The sound of running water filled the small space as Emma splashed her face, the cold liquid a jarring reminder of reality.As she looked at herself in the mirror, Emma's reflection appeared both foreign and familiar. Her eyes, wide with distress, mirrored the confusion that swirled within her mind.Breathing deeply, Emma tried to dispel the residual tension that gripped her. The rhythmic sound of her breaths gradually steadied. She turned away from mirror to dry her face but when she turned back There, on the mirror, an ominous handprint marred the surface, a stark contrast to the pristine glass. The handprint, unmistakably composed of crimson streaks, sent shivers down Emma's spine.A gasp caught in her throat as the realization set in. --The front door creaked open, signaling Emma's mother's return. The faint scent of alcohol lingered in the air as she entered, her movements slightly unsteady. Emma, still grappling with the unsettling events, braced herself for what was to come."Emma," her mother called out, her words slightly slurred. "What the fuck happened with Sal? He came over to the car talking about some iced tea incident."Emma, her nerves on edge, met her mother's gaze with defiance. "It was an accident, okay? He was being nosy, and I..."Her mother's eyes narrowed cutting her off ,"So you decide to pour shit on our neighbor!" Emma's mom said, her voice rising as she banged her purse on the table.Emma took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I didn't mean to, Mom. I've been seeing things, and every time I sleep, I have a nightmare. It's like I'm losing control, and I don't know how to make it stop.""Bullshit, you're lying to me now. This sounds like stuff that happens when you mess with drugs. What the hell have you been doing Emma!". Her mom bellows in the night. "I'm not on anything mom"! Emma screams matching her mom's voice. She screamed, her words a defiant echo in the small, tense space.Unable to bear the accusatory gaze any longer, Emma turned abruptly and stormed off, her steps heavy with a mixture of anger and despair. The door to her room slammed shut behind her, the force of it resonating with the tumultuous emotions that had reached a boiling point.

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