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April 8 1978

 Drew and the camera crew arrived late in the evening, They engaged in conversation with Ed, discussing the logistics of setting up equipment and preparation. Drew's gaze, however, seemed to dart between Katy and Lorraine with a subtle knowingness.When Lorraine was momentarily out of earshot, Drew couldn't resist shooting Katy a sly smile. "Ed told me to set a motion detector by qoute 'Lorraine and Katy's room,' he remarked with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Katy, caught off guard, quickly put her hands on her hips and retorted, "Shut up, Drew. Focus on the job.", Drew bit out a laugh. 

Ed, holding a small recording device, cleared his throat and pressed the record button. "Alright, today is April 8, 1978. My name is Ed Warren and We're here at the residence of Emma and her mother. Could you please state your name and tell us when all of this began?" Ed directed the question to Emma's mom, who took a deep breath before responding."My name is Janet Hart and this is my daughter Emma. It all started shortly after Emma's sleepover with her friend," she explained, her voice carrying the weight of concern.Meanwhile, Katy, made her way to the attic in hopes of finding something that can help explain what's gong on. As Emma's mom continued to share the details with Ed, Katy sifted through boxes and old belongings. Ed pressed for more details about the sleepover, Emma's demeanor shifted. Her eyes, once focused, became distant and glazed over. The room seemed to grow still, and a tense silence settled over them. Despite Ed's inquiries, Emma remained unresponsive, as if lost in some unseen realm beyond their comprehension. The air hung heavy with an eerie anticipation, leaving everyone in the room on edge. In one dusty corner on top of a box, Katy stumbled upon a box labeled "Stories of the Strange and Unusual." She carefully picked up the book, her fingers tracing the worn edges of its pages. The weight of the rosary still lingered in her hand. As she perused the contents of the book, a chilling discovery caught her eye. Tucked within the pages was a crumpled piece of paper, stained with what appeared to be dried blood. On it were scrawled the names "Emma" and another girl's name, forming a sinister connection. The implications of this discovery sent a shiver down Katy's spine,Katy's voice echoed in the attic as she read aloud, "The Midnight Man." The words hung in the air, and at that precise moment, as if in response to the sinister invocation, the light in the attic flickered and extinguished, plunging the space into an unsettling darkness. The sudden blackness heightened the tension in the room, and a collective intake of breath echoed through the attic.With the book clutched tightly in her hands and the unsettling darkness still lingering in her mind, Katy hurriedly descended from the attic. The stairs creaked beneath her, adding an eerie soundtrack to her hastened steps. As she reached the living room where Ed and the rest of the group were gathered.The tension in the air was palpable, and Katy's voice broke through the quiet."Guys, I found something. Something that might explain what's happening," she announced, holding up the ominous book she had uncovered in the attic. The room's atmosphere shifted, and all eyes turned toward KatyIt was then that Emma's mom spoke up, her voice carrying a weight of its own. "I found that book not long ago," she admitted, her gaze shifting nervously. "It was under the table in the living room. I didn't think much of it, so I put it in the attic".Katy unfolded the mysterious paper with a sense of trepidation, revealing the ominous names scrawled in blood. The room hushed as everyone's attention gravitated towards the unsettling discovery. The eerie silence was only interrupted by the distant sounds of the wind outside, carrying an ominous undertone.As Katy held the paper, Emma's eyes widened in terror, her expression transforming into one of petrified recognition. The atmosphere thickened with an unspoken fear, casting shadows on the walls that seemed to dance with the weight of the revelation. The group exchanged anxious glances.Katy's voice cut through the tense air as she explained, "It looks like Emma and her friend might have summoned something during a ritual game. The names written in blood, the Midnight Man... these are all elements of a dark and dangerous practice."Drew interjected, his voice carrying a note of concern, "I've heard about that game before. It's a pagan ritual, often associated with summoning entities or spirits. Things could get really dangerous if not handled properly."However Drew was interupted by Emma,"Get it away! Please, get it away!" she screams, collapsing to the ground. Her hands claw at the air, as if trying to fend off an unseen assailant. The room plunges into chaos, Her screams pierce the night, filling the room with a palpable sense of horror.Emma's mother rushed to her side, her voice a desperate plea amidst the chaos. "Emma, sweetheart, you're okay. You need to calm down," she urged, her hands gently trying to soothe Emma's frantic movements. The room buzzed with tension as Emma's cries echoed, and the others exchanged worried glances, uncertain of how to ease the turmoil that had consumed the young girl.As Emma's mother cradled her, attempting to console her distressed daughter, Ed maneuvered through the room. He reached for Katy, gently guiding her to a quieter corner, away from the unsettling scene."Katy, I need you to focus on gathering more information about this ritual," Ed instructed, his tone low but intense. "We need to understand what we're dealing with here. Go back to that book you found, and any other resources you can find. Look for details about the Midnight Man ritual, its origins, and any possible ways to counteract its effects."Katy nodded."I'll do my best, Ed".Ed placed a reassuring hand on Katy's shoulder. "Good. We need to be one step ahead of whatever we're up against. Knowledge is our best weapon in situations like these".

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