Chapter 2

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It had been a week since my engagement, and my father was brimming with excitement. Gaston, had been a frequent guest at our dinners, though I couldn't shake the feeling of boredom whenever we conversed. Our discussions never went into anything substantial; they remained surface-level, filled with predictable compliments on my appearance and admiration for my brother

Today, I chose to seek peace in the garden, my sanctuary. Despite my affinity for it, my father deemed it unfit for a woman, insisting that I stay clear of any tasks involving dirt. I was merely allowed to admire the roses while the maids tended to them, a symbol of the constraints I felt within the castle walls. While there were undeniable privileges to my royal status, most days, I felt like a captive, bound to fulfill my family's wishes

As I immersed myself in a novel, I found refuge in its pages, just as I had since childhood. Reading was my escape, a passion instilled in me by my mother, who would read to me and my brother every night before bed. Although uncommon for women of my station, being royalty afforded me certain freedoms, including the pursuit of knowledge through literature

"Annabelle!" A distant voice called out my name, prompting me to set my book aside

Turning, I saw Gaston hurrying towards me as I sat by the fountain, its waters surrounded by a profusion of white roses. Despite his breathless arrival, Gaston's striking appearance could have easily captivated any woman, yet I found myself strangely unaffected by his charm. His beauty was undeniable, but I sensed a disconnect from his inner essence

"Your brother mentioned I might find you here," he said, flashing a grin as he settled beside me

"Hello," I responded, my tone neutral as I awaited his purpose for seeking me out

"Do you often read?" he inquired, snatching the book I had discreetly concealed behind my back

His sudden interest in me brought a smile to my lips as I watched him flip through the pages. "It's a recent one Julian, acquired during one of his travels. The story is captivating, and-"

"Your taste in literature is unique, but I have something for you," he interjected, tossing the book to the ground and producing a box containing a stunning ring. My eyes widen as I stared at my book that was now on the floor. Covering my view Gaston pushed the red box in my face. The diamond, set upon a delicate silver band, glimmered under the light as Gaston carefully slid it onto my finger

"I had this custom-made for you. The diamond was sourced from the dwarfs' mines, and I spared no expense in ensuring it matched your radiance. You deserve nothing but the best," he declared with sincerity

His words always flowed effortlessly like a seasoned romantic. Most hearts would have fluttered in his presence, but for me, an inexplicable void persisted. Despite his charm, all I could manage was a polite smile as I admired the crafted ring he offered

Suppressing my inner turmoil, I embraced Gaston, grateful for his kindness and thoughtfulness. It would be impolite to voice my lack of romantic feelings towards him, so I graciously accepted his gift, offering my heartfelt thanks. As I navigated my conflicting emotions, I could only feign enthusiasm, mustering the words, "I love it," through forced sincerity

Gaston leaped in joy before he leaned in to claim my lips. Startled by his sudden advance, I allowed his kiss, though it felt foreign and unsettling. Having never experienced such intimacy before, I was unsure of how to respond, yet Gaston persisted, his tongue intruding forcefully into my mouth. Discomfort chewed at me, prompting a swift retreat as I stopped from the unwelcome embrace

"I should find my brother and show him the ring," I declared abruptly, rising from my seat. I bent down quickly to get my book before hurrying out the garden

Reflecting on the encounter, I couldn't shake off the sense of awkwardness that lingered. Gaston's lips, while soft, bore an unexpected roughness, and his invasive tongue left me feeling repelled. Disgust tainted my thoughts as I wiped my lips clean, determined to put the uncomfortable incident behind me as I made my way toward my brother's office

I swiftly made my way to my brother's office, entering without knocking. He sat behind his desk, focused in a stack of papers, while I settled into the chair opposite from him, exhaling deeply to signal my presence

"What's troubling you, Belle?" he inquired, his gaze shifting from the documents to me

"It's Gaston," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper

Within the castle, my circle of friends was limited. While I engaged in polite interactions with the other princesses during shared events, my closest confidants were my brother and Knox. Since my teenage years, I had entrusted them with my deepest thoughts and fears, and they had become my protectors and cherished brothers

"He's quite the handsome fellow, isn't he? I also heard he presented you with a ring today," Julian remarked, his eyes flickering to the sparkling gem adorning my finger

Everything he said was true, but that wasn't my primary concern. My heart remained untouched by any connection to the man, and I harbored a deep-seated fear that, if we were to marry, I would never be able to truly love him. Doubts rang in me—did he even feel any affection towards me? Our interactions had been sparse, and he never showed any interest in getting to know me

"It just doesn't feel right, Julian... plus he said my love for reading is 'unique.' What does that even mean?" I confided, voicing my concern

Julian paused, setting his pencil down before rising from his seat and crossing over to where I sat. For days, the looming prospect of this union had weighed heavily on my mind. I struggled with the conflicting desire to not disappoint my father or Julian, yet I found myself unable to summon any genuine affection for Gaston. Here I was, on the brink of potentially serving our kingdom in a significant capacity, yet my heart was fraught with uncertainty and hesitation

"Belle, I never wished this for you. I wanted you to have the freedom to marry whomever you choose, but we're in dire need of Gaston's assistance to survive the winter. It's a difficult request, and I know it's not what you envisioned, but please, try to see the necessity in it," he confessed, his voice clear with sincerity as he knelt before me

Feeling the weight of Julian's emotions, I pulled him in a tight embrace. His words resonated with me, serving as a clear reminder of my duty as a princess to aid our people

"I understand, Julian," I sobbed softly into his shoulder, the realization of our shared burden washing over me

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