Chapter 4

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"Belle! Belle, please come back!" Julian's voice echoed down the hall as he chased after me

Fury consumed me, my anger boiling over. How could they say such things? Especially Mary, a woman herself. I couldn't comprehend the resistance to education. My mother had always emphasized the importance of intellect for women. So why did everyone act as if it were a sin?

"Julian, I'm not returning," I huffed, my stance firm as I continued down the hallway

We found ourselves in the courtyard, since my engagement to Gaston, it had become a frequent refuge,  where I dealt with my thoughts. Never before had I felt such despair; the ignorance and prejudice voiced within those walls struck at the very core of my beliefs—women deserved the right to education

"Belle, you're not a child anymore. Running away won't solve anything. Besides, Gaston's father isn't entirely wrong," my brother's voice cut through the stillness, his words stinging like a betrayal

I turned sharply to face him, tears streaming down my cheeks. The one person I had counted on to understand now stood defending a belief that was contrary to everything I held dear

"How can you say that?" My voice wavered with a mixture of hurt and pride

"A literate woman is dangerous, Belle! Do you comprehend the repercussions if people discovered that the king's daughter was educated? It's against the law!" he exclaimed, his breaths coming in deep and measured

"Julian, I'm well aware of our laws... but that doesn't make them right," I retorted, my anger simmering beneath the surface

Julian's frustration was evident as he ran a hand through his hair, but I paid it little mind. He was mistaken, and deep down, he knew it. We both had the privilege of being raised literate, a principle my mother had upheld. If she were here, she would have rebuked Julian for his narrow-mindedness

"You need to bid farewell to our guest and offer an apology for your rudeness. Our arrangement could be jeopardized by your behavior. You're a grown woman now, Belle, and your allegiance to the crown must take priority," Julian remarked quietly before departing, leaving me to contemplate his words alone in the garden

I drew in a deep breath, feeling the weight of Julian's words sink in. At twenty years old, I couldn't deny that there was truth in his assessment. My impulsive outburst would only serve to complicate matters further. Despite my personal reservations about Gaston's family and their views, I couldn't ignore my duty to the kingdom. I closed my eyes briefly, seeking solace and guidance, silently wishing my mother were still alive to offer her wisdom and support. Her memory flooded my thoughts, reminding me of the tranquility our family once shared

Gathering myself, I straightened my posture and smoothed out the wrinkles in my dress before making my way back inside. Entering the dining room, I found my father engaged in conversation with Gaston and his family, who were preparing to leave. All eyes turned to me as I reappeared, and I summoned a strained smile as I approached Mary and her husband

"My apologies for my sudden absence," I began, mustering a composed tone. "It seems my stomach didn't agree with the meal. I want you to know that I respect and understand your perspective, and I am committed to fulfilling my duties by your son's side"

After years of residing within these castle walls, I've learned as a woman that my opinions and voice hold little significance. It's an unspoken rule: always maintain composure, Belle, and never betray your emotions. Gaston's father offered a faint smile in response to my apology, and Mary enveloped me in another hug, restoring a facade of cheerfulness. I mustered a fake smile as they departed the room

Now, Gaston stood before me, his hands clasping mine warmly. "I'll see you soon," he murmured before pressing a kiss to my lips

I forced myself to reciprocate, conscious of the eyes fixed upon us. It was a brief, performative gesture before I bid him farewell with his family. As soon as the trio exited, my father's gaze bore into us, heavy with disappointment. I could sense his displeasure with tonight

"Belle, come with me," he beckoned, leading the way out of the dining room

Julian and Knox lingered behind as I trailed after my father. He guided me to my late mother's study, a place we hadn't visited since the anniversary of her passing. The room, shined in perpetual darkness, her artifacts and souvenirs were off-limits to all but family

"Father, I didn't intend to clash with Gaston's parents tonight," I confessed, bracing myself for a potential lecture

Ignoring my apprehension, he began to move about the study, his footsteps echoing in the dimness. "Do you know why we chose the name Annabelle for you?" he asked, his voice carrying a weight of solemnity

In the shadowy confines of the room, I was uncertain of his point. "Because it means beautiful?" I replied

"Yes, indeed," he acknowledged, pausing to consider his words. "But more than that, we named you Annabelle because you were our beautiful miracle"

I smiled warmly at his words, reminiscing about the tale my mother often recounted—the story of my miraculous recovery from the plague during infancy. The memory filled me with a sense of gratitude and wonder

"If your mother were here today, she'd scold me for arranging your marriage to that family," he chuckled, settling onto the couch in the study

Sitting beside him, I struggled to contain my emotions, surprised by his candid admission. I had assumed he was enthusiastic about the match. "Promise me you'll find happiness, Belle," he implored, his gaze fixed on me

His sudden seriousness caught me off guard, leaving me puzzled by the weight behind his words. This was unlike my father; there was an undercurrent of fear, as if he sensed impending trouble

"Father, are you alright?" I asked innocently, concerned by his uncharacteristic demeanor

"Yes, just promise me you'll be happy with Gaston," he reiterated, his tone grave and insistent

I nodded my head, acknowledging his request, though inwardly grappling with the unexpected shift in his demeanor. "I can be happy with him," I reassured myself silently, trying to soften the uncertainty stirring within me

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