Chapter 27

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Baylor's words struck a chord within me. What did he mean by saying the garden no longer bloomed? What kind of garden doesn't sprout? I hadn't expected Baylor to offer me a tour; my remark about seeing the garden had been nothing more than a jest shared with Gabriel. The view from the living room window had always been enough for me, but now, walking alone with Baylor, I found myself unexpectedly intrigued

Surprisingly, he appeared to be in a good mood, which was a welcome change. As I surveyed the surroundings, I could only imagine the splendor this place must have held when the leaves were lush and the flowers vibrant

"My garden back home doesn't compare to this," I joked, attempting to inject a bit of levity into the moment

Baylor simply nodded at my comment, a gesture that spoke volumes coming from someone who typically wore a stoic expression. As we entered the maze, the only part of the garden still adorned with leaves, everything still appeared lifeless

"I've seen your garden; it's beautiful," Baylor remarked suddenly, catching me off guard

"Thank you... my mother poured her heart into it," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as fond memories flooded my mind. This impromptu walk was proving to be unexpectedly soothing. I had a lot weighing on my mind that day, and while I had intended to seek solace in Gabriel's company, I found myself appreciating Baylor's presence

"What prompted you to want to see the garden? You could have insisted weeks ago. Why now?" Baylor's question interrupted my thoughts, prompting us to pause at the center where the paths of the maze converged. Nearby, a tall fountain beckoned, surrounded by benches, and we both took a seat as I gathered my thoughts

He's onto me, I whispered to myself, realizing that Baylor had seen through my attempt to distract myself

"Today is March 10th... technically my wedding," I began, taking a deep breath. It wasn't that I was upset about missing it, but there was a strange feeling lingering within me. I'd been here for two months now, and it suddenly struck me how time had slipped away. What were my brothers up to? Was our kingdom faring well? Questions swirled in my mind

"Ahhh, with the airhead," he smirked, prompting a crack of a smile from me.hearing Baylor refer to Gaston as an airhead was somewhat amusing

"Are you upset because you miss him? Was he your first love?" He ventured to ask

First love? I couldn't imagine Gaston ever fitting that description. I barely knew the man. He was enamored with my appearance and made no effort to discover who I truly was. In truth, I found solace in the fact that I wasn't walking down the aisle today

"No, it was arranged, and he never bothered to know me. I'm actually content right now," I replied, lifting my head to offer him a genuine smile

I could sense Baylor's surprise from the expression on his face as my words sank in. "I know it sounds crazy to admit, but I never desired to marry him, even if it meant securing the kingdom... I want a marriage founded on love," I confessed

Baylor fell into a contemplative silence before responding, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "Marriage for love isn't always the fairy tale it's made out to be... I married The Who I thought was love of my life, only to have her betray me in ways that even my worst enemies couldn't match," he said sharply, his revelation stirring my curiosity. Baylor rarely spoke about his personal history or family, leaving much about him shrouded in mystery

"Wow" I gently said, offering him a space to share

He drew in a deep breath before delving into his story. "In short, she left me for a pirate... abandoned our five-year-old son and me for a scoundrel," he bit out bitterly, prompting me to cover my mouth in disbelief

The thought of a mother deserting her family in such a manner, especially leaving behind a young child, was incomprehensible to me. I couldn't fathom the depth of pain that must have inflicted upon their son

"She wasn't your first love then," I said, placing my hand atop his. The burden of raising a child alone, coupled with the anguish of explaining why their mother had vanished, must have been unimaginably difficult

"What do you mean?" Baylor questioned staring at me in disbelief 

"People don't abandon those they love... she doesn't deserve that title" I snapped it was cruel to do that to your loved ones. For him to even consider that a first love is ridiculous... that women was a coward 

"When my mother passed away, my father sank into a depression. Though it wasn't entirely his fault, he distanced himself from me, leaving my brother to shoulder the responsibility of raising me for most of my life. I love my father, but I wish he had been there for me too. We all felt grief from her death but that isn't an excuse to disappear as a parent. And then, when he announced my marriage to Gaston without consulting me or considering my feelings, I was so anger. How could he simply trade away his own daughter like that?" I confessed, the words pouring out before I could stop them. I had harbored these feelings for so long, burying them deep within me, that they had become a distant echo of pain and resentment

"I've known your father for quite some time, and while he's not my favorite person, I do recognize the love he harbors for you. I don't believe his intentions were malicious," Baylor confessed, prompting me to consider a different perspective

I had never spoken about this to anyone before, not even Julian or Knox. It felt liberating to share some of my burdens with people outside of my family. Growing up within the confines of the palace walls, I knew very little of the world beyond

"For someone who wears the same dark grin every day, you're surprisingly easy to talk to," I quipped, giving him a playful shove

"Don't get too comfortable; I'm still the most powerful being around," he retorted, his tone carrying a hint of amusement rather than intimidation. I rolled my eyes at that comment as it didn't hold much weight to me anymore

"Would you like to see something else?" he suddenly asked, rising to his feet and extending his hand to me. I hesitated for a moment before nodding, placing my hand in his as we exited the maze together

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