Chapter 40

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Since being home, Marie and Julian have pulled me into their wedding planning. At first, I assume it's their way of distracting me from the grim reality of our father's declining health. But despite the heaviness that weighed on my heart, I visited him every day, bringing him food and ensuring he received his medication. The doctor's prognosis painted a bleak picture, describing it as a waiting game. But I couldn't bear the thought of resigning myself to that reality, simply waiting for him to pass away

"Belle, come here for a second," Marie called, her voice cutting through the chatter of her bridesmaids as they discussed wedding details

I approached Marie, weaving through the bustling room filled with swatches of fabric and bridal magazines strewn across the table. As I drew nearer, noticing the their excitement

"What's going on?" I asked, my curiosity clear by the urgency in her tone

One of her friends pulled out a piece of green fabric, holding it against my skin. "It's definitely her color," she said with a nod of approval.

I stood there, still lost on what they were doing or why I wasn't needed at the moment.

Marie then turned to face me, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Belle, I want you to be one of my bridesmaids," she said, her words ringing with excitement. The other girls erupted into screams of joy, their enthusiasm filling the room with palpable energy. My heart swelled with a mixture of surprise and delight, touched by Marie's gesture. We had just met each other, yet she treated me as if we were already sisters. I had never been anyone's bridesmaid before, and I felt deeply honored that she wanted to include me in such a significant way

"Oh, please don't feel obligated just because Julian is my brother," I said, attempting to ensure that this wasn't a decision made out of obligation or familial ties

"Nonsense! This was all my idea, silly," she joked, her laughter filling the room. "I just wanted to make sure you look good in green." I nodded my head, excitement bubbling up inside me at the prospect of playing a part in the wedding. The realization hit me that it was coming up soon, just two months away. Julian wasn't joking when he said he was ready to get married. The thought of their union brought a glimmer of joy to me, I had been longing for the day my brother finally settled down

The door swung open, revealing one of our butlers. "Princess Belle, the doctor is here," he announced to me. I nodded in acknowledgment and bid farewell to Marie and her friends before making my way to meet with the doctor

Today was the day of my father's check-up, so I headed down to his chamber. Upon arrival, I found Julian and the doctor engaged in a deep conversation. Their voices quieted as they noticed my approach, and they greeted me respectfully

"Princess," the doctor said, offering a bow

I returned the gesture before we entered the room together. My father lay in bed, still, but there was a noticeable improvement - his breathing had normalized, and he no longer required the assistance of the tube

"Doctor, he's getting better! Breathing without the machine is a good sign, correct?" I asked eagerly, hope rising in my voice at the prospect of his improving health

Julian took a deep breath as the doctor stayed quiet, "we can keep checking on him but yes it is a good sign" the doctor said

I smiled at his words and ran to my father's said. He was still unconscious but I was happy enough to know he was doing better

"Father, you'll wake up soon" I whispered

Julian walked out with the doctor leaving us alone. The check up went well and I pulled out a book that I read to him every night. It was the same story my mother used to read to us

I spend every night with him struggling to leave his sight just in case. " I loved when mom read this story to us" I began

"You would joke about it but Beauty and the Beast is still my favorite novel" I joked remembering my childhood. How every night my parents would join me in bed as they read these stories watching me drift to bed

"I hope you remember our last conversation. You'd be shocked to hear Julian is getting married." I added filling him in on the day

Although, he didn't answer I told myself he could hear everything and that brought me peace.

"It still shocks me but I pray you'll wake up soon. I want to see you in good health before I leave" I whispered

Oblivious to the door opening I hadn't realized who had walked in on my conversation until they announced themselves

"Leave? Where are you going?" Knox asked making me turn my head quickly to him

"I-... it was a figure of speech" I lied trying to cover my words with a joke. Playing with the pendant on my neck again I began to sweat as I know Knox could see through my lies

"Right... well Julian says you should leave the king alone to rest. Dinner will begin soon" he announced

"Who is Julian to say how long I can be with my father?" I snapped back taking offense to his words

Knox threw his hands up in defense, "don't shoot the messenger" he said walking away to exist the room

How dare he tell me when I can and can't see my father. Since being home Julian has been a complete asshole... he barely wants to talk about our father's health or even visit. It's been extremely weird and I was growing tired of this newfound attitude

There was another knock on the door before I was greeted with the doctor and Julian. After Knox's message I refused to even acknowledge my brother

"Annabelle, it's time you leave him to rest..." Julian announced strictly

I turned my head to glare at him, "I will spend however much time I want with him"

I could hear Julian suck his teeth at my words. I knew he was getting irritated but it was insane for him to even request such a thing

"It wasn't a suggestion... it was an order as your king" he growled

Standing up from my seated position I stormed towards my brother. The doctor was silent as he looked fearful to even speak amongst my brother. You could see the anger boiling in my eyes as we glared at each other

"You'd have to drag me out of here" I whispered lowly. Julian knows I hate leaving him alone at night... he could die at any second and I can't fathom not bing by his side

Julian's frown only grew as he knew I wouldn't budge. In a quick snap of his finger two body guards entered the room. I watched in disbelief as they grabbed my arms picking up with no hesitation

"Put me down!!! I commanded you as your Princess to let me go" I shouted as I was carried out the room

"Julian stop this! I can't leave him alone tonight!" I cried as tears began to run down my face

"Annabelle stop this foolishness! He will not die tonight but you practically sleeping there is not good for your mental health. I am trying to protect you" he tried to reason but I could hear were excuses as the two guards dropped me on the floor before standing firm in front of it

"I hate you... " I cried standing up and wiping my tears. Julian held no remorse in his eyes and I couldn't even tell who he was anymore

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