Chapter 13

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This morning, I rose early with the intention of starting my day in the kitchen. Upon running down the stairs, I discovered the fridge was spotless clean, suggesting Baylor had already cleared it out. I had initially planned to prepare a simple fruit bowl or something, but it seemed Baylor had beaten me to it

After completing the dishes, I encountered Baylor in the foyer, preparing to head to the market as we had discussed the previous night. Eager to accompany him, as I had specific items in mind, I hurried to put on my boots and grab my hood

However, Baylor abruptly stopped me, "You are not coming with me," observing my search for my bag

Feeling the need for fresh air, I responded, "This place feels stuffy, and I could use some fresh air," finally locating my bag on a nearby chair

Baylor countered, "There is a garden," crossing his arms over his chest

Yet, the garden he referred to was anything but inviting, with its eerie atmosphere filled with dead trees and unsettling statues. Moreover, its heavily gated boundaries only added to the sense of confinement, leaving me longing to explore the town's surroundings and acquire the specific ingredients I needed

As I approached the door, I pleaded, "Just this once," anxiously awaiting Baylor's agreement

Reluctantly, he grumbled, "Don't make me regret this," as he passed by me

I leapt for joy as I finally stepped beyond those gates, relishing the freedom. With a swift click, I secured the door behind me, trailing after Baylor with a skip in my step. He mentioned the town wasn't too far from his mountain, though I harbored doubts given the sheer size of his domain. Despite my skepticism, I chose to embrace the moment, greeted by a landscape far brighter than my last visit

Everywhere I looked, snow blanketed the surroundings, casting a serene winter spell. Baylor strode ahead at a brisk pace, while I lingered, entranced by the picturesque scenery. Unbeknownst to me, he paused, observing my childlike wonder amid the woods

"We haven't the entire day, Belle," he snapped, jolting me from my mind

Quick to apologize, I hastened to match his pace as we progressed. Baylor, typically reticent, seldom engaged in conversation unless issuing commands or reprimands. Here, beside me, stood the man feared by all, his demeanor oddly unassuming in a simple coat and snow boots

His features were chiseled, his skin bodied with numerous scars, leaving me to ponder their origins. Were they souvenirs from battles fought over his nearly century-long existence? As we walked, the realization dawned that I knew little about him beyond his notorious reputation as a killer. Yet surely, there lay a tale behind the facade

"Do you go into this town often?" I ventured, attempting to spark conversation

"No," he replied, avoiding eye contact

I nodded in response, attempting to shift the conversation. 'My mother used to take my brother and me into town when we were younger,' I reminisced, recalling our cherished bonding time. 'It was her way of ensuring we stayed connected to our community'

Baylor remained silent, his gaze fixed ahead, seemingly disengaged. 'Did... um, your family have similar traditions?' I propped, hoping to find common ground

"My mother passed away when I was born, and my father abandoned me on the road when I was nine," he responded bluntly, causing me to freeze

I felt a ping of guilt for flaunting my family's privileges. How could I have been so insensitive? Unsure of how to proceed, I managed a soft apology. "I'm sorry to hear that," I murmured

Baylor didn't acknowledge my apology, and I fell silent for the rest of our journey. As we approached the bridge leading into town, my excitement grew. Finally, I would be among other people. The bustling streets filled with vendors and shoppers captivated me. Despite my father's concerns about safety, outings like these had always brought me joy during my childhood"

An elder woman approached me, offering a large basket of apples for sale. With a warm smile, I decided to purchase a dozen. "I need money," I stated, extending my hand to Baylor

Baylor dropped a substantial bag of coins into my hand, causing me to marvel at the amount. After paying for the apples, we continued our stroll down the bustling main road, despite the snow blanketing the town. Shoppers filled the streets, engrossed in their transactions

Suddenly, Baylor announced, "I have to speak to somebody. Don't wander too far from here," before disappearing

"Okay," I murmured to myself, caught off guard by his abrupt departure

Realizing I couldn't manage the apples and additional items with just two hands, I searched for a solution. Spotting an unattended small wagon at a street corner, I hesitantly placed the apples inside and pulled the wagon along as I gathered more supplies for our pantry

After approximately 35 minutes, I had secured the majority of what we needed to sustain ourselves. Pleased with my progress, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to explore more of the town. With Baylor still absent, I reasoned that a brief stroll wouldn't hurt

The streets buzzed with activity as horse-drawn carriages navigated the thoroughfares. Amidst the commotion, I noticed an elderly woman attempting to cross the busy road, seemingly oblivious to the traffic. Concerned for her safety, I rushed over to assist her, recognizing the inherent danger in her actions. She appeared to be around 90 years old, clad in a dark blue dress with a thick coat shielding her from the cold

"Ma'am, let me help you," I urged, offering her my hand as we got across the street together

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