Chapter 8

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Baylor had assigned me the task of tidying up the foyer today, yet another day spent within the confines of this imposing castle. Only one week in, and I was already banned from entering the study. His explanation—that my tears were a distraction, hindering his concentration—stung, but I swallowed my feelings and dutifully followed his instructions

Despite my assigned duties, my thoughts lingered on that mysterious book in the study. Each day, the allure of discovering the identity of Atlas grew stronger. During past travels with Julian, I'd often visit bookstores, where clerks would share tales of leather-bound volumes holding an essence of emotion—a sort of memoir in their own right

As I mopped the floors near the entrance, my gaze followed Baylor's descent down the grand staircase. He emerged from the west wing, a part of the castle I had yet to explore. While I was confined to the east wing, restricted to his study and its immediate surroundings, my curiosity about the rest of the castle intensified. With only Baylor and myself inhabiting this castle, the isolation weighed heavily on me. Forbidden from venturing outside or sharing meals with him, it felt increasingly lonely

Before departing, Baylor surprised me with an unusual instruction: "I'll be back later... you can stay out, but do not go near the west wing." His departure left me momentarily stunned; typically, his absence meant I was relegated to my quarters. Hastily nodding in acknowledgment, I watched him leave through the front door

As soon as he was out of sight, I seized the opportunity to abandon my chores, dropping the broom and hastening upstairs. This was my chance to break free from the confines of Baylor's control. While outwardly maintaining the facade of a compliant servant, beneath the surface, I was creating a plan for my escape

His study had a spacious balcony overlooking the garden's edge, offering a glimpse of freedom. Despite the imposing castle walls, a small passage nestled within the garden caught my eye when I cleaned the balcony. It was narrow, but I was confident I could slip through and escape. Uncertain of my distance from home, my only plan was to find a nearby town and seek help

As I cautiously entered the study, I scanned the room for any sign of Baylor's presence. The space was filled with countless artifacts and books, evidence of Baylor's mysterious pursuits. Though he often delved into magical experiments here, I maintained a respectful distance, longing for the comfort of my family and the impossibility of remaining in servitude to such a monstrous man

Retrieving the bag hidden beneath a loose floor stone, I silently congratulated myself on the success of my preparations. Baylor hadn't suspected a thing, affording me the opportunity to execute my escape plan undetected

 I assembled the sheets I had collected from laundry days, fashioning them into a makeshift rope and tossing it over the balcony's edge. With snow falling softly and daylight waning, time was of the essence.Grabbing my boots and coat, I descended the wall with ease, drawing upon the survival skills instilled in me by my upbringing among men

Upon reaching solid ground, a sense of triumph surged within me as I made a beeline for the castle gate. Despite the wintry chill and the rough state of the bushes, I couldn't help but imagine the garden's vibrant splendor in the summertime—a vision I knew I'd have to leave behind

Approaching the small passage, I squeezed my body between the bars, the tightness of the opening serving as a tangible reminder of the narrow escape that lay ahead

My heart sank as my dress tore at the bottom upon reaching the other side. It was a dress I cherished, and now it lay ruined, a casualty of my escape. Standing up, I dashed through the woods, desperate to find civilization. Fortunately, my past ventures with Julian had familiarized me with navigating these woods, though I knew I had to hasten my pace before the snowfall got worse

These woods were unfamiliar territory to me. Towering trees obscured much of the sky, casting an eerie silence over the landscape. I pondered whether any wildlife inhabited these parts as I pressed onward. With no road in sight, I trudged through the thick snow, shivering but determined to reach a town

As the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving only a faint glimmer of light, my fear grew. The deeper I ventured into the woods, the more unsettled I became. It was unnerving how devoid of life the surroundings were—no birdsong, no howling of wolves, not even the buzzing of insects. An hour had passed since my escape, and I paused to rest, nibbling on a meager snack of crackers and cheese salvaged from Baylor's sparse kitchen

The emptiness of Baylor's castle haunted me. His neglect of even the most basic provisions was just one of the many grievances I harbored against him. From the dimly lit cell where I slept to the scarcity of natural light, every aspect of that place filled me with disdain. I yearned to return to my brothers, eager to devise a plan to confront Baylor or perhaps broker a deal that would secure my freedom

I was concerned for Julian's well-being after witnessing Baylor's ruthless act of taking his heart. I harbored a deep-seated desire to apologize to both Julian and Knox for my tears and lack of attentiveness. Departing was a risky decision, but I refused to remain confined in yet another cage, allowing Baylor to dictate the course of my life. There had to be an alternative solution for my father to settle his debt with Baylor

Midway through eating my crackers, a faint snap emanated from the far right, prompting me to freeze in place. I hastily stowed away my food and sprang to my feet, retrieving the pocket knife I kept for emergencies. If someone lurked nearby, I needed to be prepared

As another snap reverberated from my left, I whirled around, my senses on high alert. To my knowledge, I discerned a pair of glowing green eyes in the distance, and my heart skipped a beat as realization dawned. Three massive wolves appeared from the shadows, advancing toward me with measured steps. It seemed I had spoken too soon in assuming I was alone; the presence of these creatures shattered that illusion

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