Chapter 44

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"Gathered here today, we mourn the passing of our beloved King James the Third," the pastor's voice echoed through the hushed chamber, where we all sat gathered for my father's funeral

Tears streaked my face, a testament to the overwhelming grief that enveloped me. It felt like a cruel echo of the loss I had experienced when my mother passed, casting a shadow over everything with its dark tendrils

Yet, this loss cut deeper, stirring not just sadness but a seething fury within me. I couldn't bring myself to even look at Julian, let alone speak to him. My father, for all his flaws, would never have barred me from being by a loved one's side in their final moments

As the pastor's words came to a close, we rose in unison and made our way to the graveside. It was my father's wish to rest beside my mother, and as I laid my flowers beside his stone, the weight of reality crashed down upon me anew

The last conversation I had with him flashed before my eyes, a bitter reminder of missed opportunities and unspoken words. I hadn't been there in his final hours, and the regret gnawed at me like a relentless beast

As guests began to depart, leaving the immediate family to grieve in solitude, I noticed even Knox, who my father had taken under his wing, shedding tears for his departed mentor

Standing up, I fixed a glare upon my brother, my anger simmering beneath the surface. "Annabelle, how much longer will you glare at me" he asked, his tone softened, but the resentment still lingered, a silent accusation against his actions

"You knew I wanted to be by his side before he passed, yet you denied me that right. I will never forgive you, Julian," I asserted with a sharp edge to my voice

"It was for your own well-being, Annabelle," he repeated, his tone unyielding despite my frustration

I could feel my patience wearing thin, weary of hearing the same justification over and over again. Everything, it seemed, was done in the name of my welfare, of the kingdom's welfare. But when had he ever stopped to consider what I truly wanted? When had my desires ever factored into his decisions?

"Enough, Julian," Marie interjected, her voice quivering as she wiped away her tears

"Marie, this doesn't concern you," Julian retorted, attempting to silence her with a dismissive wave of his hand

I watched, a knot tightening in my chest, as my brother's once-familiar face contorted with stubbornness and indifference. This was not the brother I once knew, but someone cold and callous, someone I no longer recognized

"No! Annabelle is right. She deserved to be there with him. You robbed her of that without a second thought," Marie's voice rang out, her words fueled by righteous indignation

As she pushed past Julian and stormed away from the graveside, I felt a swell of pride in her courage. She had spoken the truth, stood up for what was right, even in the face of Julian's tyranny

Knox, wearing a solemn expression, bore witness to the entire exchange. In his eyes, I saw a glimmer of empathy, a silent acknowledgment of the injustice that had unfolded.

"You'll end up alone if you continue like this," I snapped, the frustration boiling over before I turned and made my own departure

As I descended the hill, I noticed Marie seated on a nearby bench, tears glistening in her eyes. It was a surprising sight, given her usual composed demeanor. In that moment, it struck me that perhaps she, too, felt stifled by Julian's domineering presence.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice earlier. It's just... Julian can be insufferable, especially in times like these," she confessed, her voice tinged with frustration.

Taking a seat beside her, I listened as she poured out her grievances, acknowledging the difficulties she faced under Julian's rule.

"Belle, I pleaded with him to let you see your father, but he wouldn't budge. I can't imagine the pain you're going through right now. You've endured so much," she continued, her empathy a balm to my wounded spirit.

No one had ever shown me such understanding before. For too long, I had silently obeyed my father and brother, suppressing my own desires in the name of familial duty. But Marie's words resonated with me, piercing through the facade I had worn for so long.

"My father changed after my mother's death. He became consumed by paranoia, locking me away in these walls for my supposed safety," I confessed, a mixture of bitterness and resignation in my voice.

"Marrying your brother... it was never my choice. The weight of responsibility and the pressure to secure my kingdom overshadowed any personal desires I had. I've never truly felt free here," I admitted, the weight of years of constraint lifting with each word

"I was in an arranged marriage too" she quietly spoke

Marie's revelation about her own arranged marriage left me stunned, realizing that we shared a common struggle despite our differences

"How did you manage to break free?" I inquired, curiosity mingled with a newfound hope for liberation.

"I fell in love with Julian... it's as simple as that, Annabelle," Marie declared, her words carrying a weight of defiance and determination. "They may still disapprove of him, but I couldn't let their opinions dictate my feelings. Growing up as royals isn't easy, but we possess the same ability as anyone else to forge our own paths."

Her revelation left me speechless, seeing her in a new light as an embodiment of strength and independence. Never had I imagined Julian finding someone like her—someone so outspoken and self-assured

"I wouldn't even know where to begin," I chuckled weakly, wiping away my tears. My entire existence seemed entwined with fulfilling the expectations of the kingdom and appeasing my family. Amidst the surreal haze of my father's passing, I had come here seeking solace, only to find myself grappling with conflicting emotions

Marie's hand gently rested over her heart, a silent reassurance of where true guidance lay. "You begin by listening to your heart," she urged softly.

"Annabelle, if there's one thing you must do in this life, it's to prioritize your own happiness. Even if it means going against the wishes of others, promise me you'll choose happiness," she implored, her words a whispered plea that shattered the last remnants of my composure, releasing a flood of tears

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