Chapter 26

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A few days later...

"Baylor, I'm tired," Elizabeth cried out for what seemed like the twelfth time, her voice filled with exhaustion as she maintained the position I had instructed her to hold

Her constant gossiping and habitual skipping of lessons had left me with no choice but to teach her a lesson. Despite being 16 years old, she remained remarkably reckless, making it a struggle to capture her attention

"Until you can recite the code," I announced firmly from my desk, observing her as she balanced on one foot with books perched atop her head

Another groan escaped her lips, but she began to recite the code of conduct from memory. Personally, I despised resorting to such measures, but her behavior had pushed me to this point

As she struggled through the recitation, I couldn't help but reflect on how much better I was feeling from my recent bout of illness. Belle's magical touch with her chicken noodle soup had worked wonders; waking up that morning, I felt markedly improved. Initially, I had pegged her as a spoiled princess, but she had proven to be the complete opposite. In many ways, she was like the sun, radiating warmth and light into people's life

Gabriel has taken an extreme liking to her, it's all he talks about nowadays. I hadn't realized they were spending so much time together. It's odd, considering his numerous duties that should demand his attention rather than idle conversation with a prisoner

Since their return, Belle hasn't had much work to do, and learning that she spends the majority of her time with Gabriel was unsettling for me. As the door opened, I looked up to see the very man I had been contemplating

He wore a clear grin as he approached my table. "How are you doing, Elizabeth?" he asked in a joking manner

"Terrible," she exclaimed, but my stern look silenced her whining

Gabriel began laughing at her antics, and I rolled my eyes, wondering what he could possibly want. "Is there something you need?" I questioned, flipping to the next page in my book

"Well, Belle was wondering if she could go outside and look at the garden. She says you banned her from exiting the castle? Isn't that a little extreme?" Gabriel questioned, his inquiry triggering a headache to simmer beneath my facade

If only he knew the story behind that rule...

"No, because the last time I allowed her freedom, she ran away. If Belle wants to visit the garden, I'll take her out there," I responded, deliberately avoiding eye contact with Gabriel. Why would she even want him to show her around? It's my castle... I know that garden like the back of my hand

"Well, we really wanted to go now as she's been bored inside all day. You know it's pretty dark, and some vitamin C always cures the soul!" Gabriel persisted

Finally tearing my eyes from my book to look at him, I wondered why he was pushing so hard to go outside. What could they possibly need to do that caused this level of urgency?

"Elizabeth, you're free to stop. We will continue your lesson next week... you better do your homework," I announced, prompting an overjoyed scream from her voice

"I will! I promise," Elizabeth said, rushing to grab her backpack and darting out the door

Placing my book down with a sense of purpose, I rose from my seat and strode toward the door. Gabriel hurried after me, his confusion evident. "Sir, where are you going?" he inquired

"To show Belle the garden. You should stay behind and finish organizing my orders," I replied, earning yet another odd smirk from Gabriel

"Of course," he said, struggling to contain his wide grin

Ignoring his antics, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Belle often enjoyed spending time there with Louise while she cooked. As I entered, I found them engaged in lively conversation. Louise was preparing lunch, while Belle sat perched on the countertop, engrossed in one of the books I had gifted her

"Young master! What a pleasant surprise," Louise exclaimed with a laugh, while Belle offered me a brief smile before falling silent

"I'm here for Belle... Gabriel mentioned you wanted a tour of the garden," I blurted out

Belle's reaction was one of surprise. "I... well, I told Gabriel it would be nice to get some fresh air, not necessarily a tour," she stammered

"Let's go get some fresh air, then," I replied, turning on my heel and leaving the kitchen

As we made our way to the foyer where our coats hung, I could hear Belle whispering with Louise. When she joined me, I carefully draped her coat over her shoulders. Belle's demeanor seemed off, as if she were unsure of herself, and she quietly thanked me before following behind like a child

As I opened the front door and stepped outside, the bright sun bathed the palace grounds in a warm glow, intensifying the sense of warmth despite the lingering chill in the air. The snow, now almost entirely melted, revealed the rich soil beneath, signaling the onset of spring. Belle, at my side, shifted her gaze around the front area as I guided her towards the back

Her curiosity was palpable, clear in the widening of her eyes as she took in the expansive surroundings. "This place is enormous," she whispered as we reached the back entrance. The garden stretched from the front of the castle to the rear, where a miniature maze beckoned

I hadn't spent much time here lately, not since Atlas was very young. He used to adore the garden, eagerly begging to play outside every summer

As we strolled amidst the dormant branches, Belle appeared genuinely impressed, eliciting a subtle smirk from within. "What kinds of flowers grow here?" she inquired, her brown eyes locking with mine

Her eyes always had a mesmerizing effect on me, radiating an energy that defied explanation. "Pink roses, but they haven't bloomed in years," I replied, clearing my throat and averting my gaze

"Why not? Isn't the garden at its best during spring?" she pressed on

"It used to be... but it hasn't been the same for years. It looks like this every year now," I confessed, leading her further into the grand environment

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