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"I don't wanna!" Willa whines.

Vanessa throws a pair of shorts to Willa, "Well, you have to! Iris said so, and everyone else is going!"

Willa groans, "Dumb bike ride. Dumb people. Dumb athletic people! I'll have to exercise!"

Vanessa scoffs, "Oh, boo-hoo. Somebody call the waaaaabulence."

Willa glares at her, "Such a supportive sister."

Vanessa grabs a pony tail holder and proceeds to pull her hair up, "Get dressed. We're leaving soon. And Iris really will force you to go."

"Sidney's not going!" Willa points out, "How come I have to go?"

"Because Sidney is actually going to be productive and study. If you stayed here, you'd just watch TV or something."

"I'd be catching up on episodes of Friends - and you can't tell me that's not productive." Willa argues.

"That's not productive." Vanessa scowls, "Now get ready."

_ _ _ _ _

The group meets in the main lobby. Of all of the adults there, it's easy to tell that Willa and Dylan are not the morning people. In fact, they together are the most grumpy, yet witty people anyone might ever see.

"Are we all ready?" Iris asks, her usual peppy morning self.

"To go back to bed? Yes." Willa grumbles, tiredly.

Iris rolls her eyes, "Come on, Willa! Wake up and smell the fresh, morning air!"

"It smells like burnt toast and hand sanitizer in this hotel." Willa grumps.

"Well, you'll get over it when we get outside." Iris rolls her eyes.

Dylan mumbles, leaning against Thomas, sleepily (brotp moment), "I need coffee."

Will widens his eyes, "No, you really don't."

"Under no circumstances are we giving you coffee." Thomas says.

Iris has grown impatient, "Let's hit the road!"

_ _ _ _ _

After a while, some energy has kicked into the entire company.

The actual bike ride, wasn't terribly long, until they stopped the first time. They'd biked about half an hour, and then paused for a break. In that time, Will decided to head back to the hotel, to "get Sidney to join the living". Willa was pretty sure Will and Sidney had a thing. So Willa was half preparing herself for hard core shipping or hard core hating. She hadn't really decided if she liked Will yet or not.

"We're coming up to a pretty neat park soon. We'll strop there." Iris calls back. She leads in the front, with Thomas right behind her.

"Thank goodness." Willa mumbles tiredly.

In the front, Thomas speaks, "Is there any way that we could convince you not to go to this park and just head to a lake or something where we don't have to run around, but can just sit?"

Juliette laughs, peddling, "That is a very unlikely thing, Thomas. Iris has her Vulcan death grip on this park."

"Iris does not have the ears to be a Vulcan." Dylan says, clicking his tounge and talking with a higher pitched voice.

Willa chuckles, "Or the brain."

Dylan laughs, shooting Willa a grin, "Nice."

"Um, ouch!" Iris objects.

Willa McElrie (Dylan O'Brien fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now