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Dylan POV:

Wills wedding party consisted of four people. Thomas, Percy, Ki Hong Lee and of course me. It wouldn't be a party without me. Will and Sidney chose to keep the wedding small.

But Will always did like a grand old time with his buddies, so the bachelor party proved to be a huge success. Whiskey, video games, and calming down wedding jitters.

However the wedding jitters thing didn't work. At least not for very long. Will has still been drinking mass amounts of coffee this morning. He might as well hook it up to an IV and skip the middle man.

Will paces the dressing room nervously. The thing about getting here three hours early and being the guy- he doesn't have to do his makeup or his hair. He just gets to sit here and think about how he's going to be tied to one girl for the rest of his life. Not that it's a bad thing, but it, understandably, is a scary thing.

Ki leans against the wall, trying to look like he's doing something important like checking texts or emails, but he's actually playing Flappy Bird. Thomas is busy hooking up his phone to some speakers, trying to get some "jamming tunes up in here". And lastly, the famous Percy Shark watches the going on's of the room, with a look of pleasure.

I watch all of these activites in the mirror, where I fix my hair, so I look unquestionably charming, as always. I finally settle with my hair a little lopsided on the left and give a curt nod as I stand up straight again, "Well, I look devilishly handsome."

Thomas hooks some Nicolette Dara into the speakers, muttering, "And your humbleness is bloody overwhelming."

I slide onto I the counter, smiling, "I know. That's one of my better attributes. That and I'm so sensitive."

I hear Will snort in the corner. I shoot him a glare.

Thomas chuckles from the corner, "Friendly reminder that we cannot beat each other up for a few hours. We are at a wedding. And we will have to go out there looking nice, and we can't do that if we have blood on our tuxs."

"Friendly reminder?" Ki laughs, "Thomas, you're like the most violent out of all of us."

Will has already lost interest in the conversation, and starts pacing again, with that same annoying look of worry forever plastered on his features, "Coffee. I need coffee."

I let out a small groan, "Dude, you've already had five cups! I don't think you need MORE coffee. Coffee is obviously not helping- it's making you more nervous!"

Will wags his finger at me, "Do not worry about my coffee consumption - worry about what I would do without it."

I open my mouth to speak, but Percy stops me, "Stand down, Dylan. He's bigger than you. It would take precisely 5.0 seconds for him to kill you."

I grin, leaping to my feet, and striking a defensive pose, "But what you don't know is that I'm secretly a ninja!"

Percy pats Wills back, "I'll get you some more coffee."

Percy swaggers out of the room to the coffee machine down the hall.

I let loose a deep breath and fall into the couch, next to Thomas, jostling him. He scowls at me before he turns back to the completely fascinating wall he was staring at.

I yawn, looking at Will, "So, I was thinking, when you get back from your honeymoon and stuff, you know, when you and Sidney are a little less mushy gushy and whatever, we should have a guy night. We haven't had one in forever, and I have a great need for a dart tournament."

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