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"I'm not exactly sure where we're going....." Willa hears Dylan mutter from the front seat.

Willa groans, looking out at the dark, night sky, "We're doomed!"

"We are not doomed, stop being such a drama queen." Dylan says, looking at the roads around him.

Willa leans forward, in-between the seats that hold Ki and Dylan, "Okay, when you can tell me where we are, I'll stop being a drama queen. So where are we?"

Dylan thinks for a moment, "Somewhere in Utah."

Willa sighs heavily, leaning back into her seat, "Thanks, genius."

Vanessa looks over at Willa, "You know, if you had put your phone on the charger last night-"

Willa scowls, "Hey, your phone is dead too!"

Ki looks back, "You two kids- stop fighting!"

Willa looks at Ki, shadowing her eyes, "Ki, we are somewhere on a mountain in the middle of nowhere."

"Yes, we are."

"We will run out of gas eventually." Willa reminds him.

"A grand adventure!" Ki exclaims, turning back to the front.

"We need to find out where we are!" Willa hollers.

"Chill!" Dylan says, loudly.

As they come to a ridge, they notice something- a city down at the bottom of the mountain. It spreads far, but still, you can see it doesn't quite touch the horizon.

"CIVILIZATION!" Willa yells, excitedly. She looks at Dylan, glaring, "We are stopping down there, and we are asking for directions."

Dylan clicks his tounge, "Fine, fine. Mrs. Bossy."

"You can call me bossy all you like, as long as we can stop somewhere with indoor plumbing." Willa nods.

_ _ _ _ _

"Alright! Everyone out! Make it quick- make it snappy- and if there's any impulse buying, make it chocolate!" Dylan says, leaping out of his big testosterone filled man truck.

"Amen, brother!" Willa says, crawling over one of the seats and sliding out the door.

As the four of them walk to the front door of the Target, Vanessa lists, "Okay, what do we need? Besides a map. Definitely a map."

Dylan walks backwards in front of them, "Mass amounts of junk food!"

"I don't think so." Vanessa shakes her head.

"I do think so." Willa says, "You can be training to be a professional soccer player all you want, but you will not stop us from living our lives!"

"Bravo!" Dylan claps.

Ki nods in agreement, "Excellent speech, tosh!"

"I hereby nominate you for president!" Dylan says, falling back in line with the others.

Willa scoffs, "President of what?"

Dylan shrugs, "Not sure. The four of us! You're the president of this group!"

"Wow, I feel so special. I get to make rules for three other people, which will undoubtedly be broken by at least two." Willa gives Dylan and Ki a pointed glance.

"Hey, you can make the rules, but you can't take away our freedom!" Ki says, pounding his chest with his fist.

The four of them walk into the store as Willa mutters, "Jeez, I know the weirdest people."

Willa McElrie (Dylan O'Brien fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now