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"We use such sophisticated words here!" Dylan laughs, "Anus, vagina, testicles! We don't use those words commoners use! Like, butthole and balls!"

Willa chuckles, "How do our conversations always turn out like this?"

"Because we're just that cool. So, I'm getting ready for my guys night out. Chris got here the other day. Iris went to Percys wedding. Thomas still isn't speaking to me. Yay."

"That was a very unenthusiastic yay." Willa says, shoving a book in her backpack.

He sighs, "It's just.....I wish he'd realize the horse thing was an accident. I would be ever intentionally hurt Iris! I know I was being really dumb, but....."

Willa mutters, zipping up her bag, "I know. Iris doesn't blame you either. She talked to me yesterday. She's kinda ticked at Thomas for making such a big deal out of it."

"Just," Dylan starts, sounding a little annoyed, "Everyone needs to stop being mad at each other! They just need to stop. Just stop."

Willa stares at the wall, "It sucks a lot."

"Yeah, it does."

Willa hears a knock on her front door and rushes to open it, "Hey! I got a box!"

"Who is it from?"

Willa picks it up, with a grunt, checking the label, "It's from my Mother."

"What is it?"

She steps inside, "Well, I don't know. I don't have X-ray vision, but let me grab some scissors. Whatever it is it's heavy."

"Then it's probably her hopes and dreams for you." Dylan says, off-handedly.

"Hey! Hurtful!" Willa scoffs.

Dylan chuckles, "Kidding. Have you gotten the sciccors yet? I want to know what it is!"

"Hang on." Willa says, grabbing some scirccors off the counter. She rips open the package and finds a stack of books.

Willa hums, "Books!"

"What books?" Dylan asks.

"Um....." Willa starts picking one up and flipping it over to read the title, "Termites. Wow."

"Wait, your mother bought you a book on termites?"

Willa shakes her head, studying the book, "Apparently."

Dyaln laughs, "Jeez, your mother either really hates you or really loves you."

"It's the first one." Willa says, "She didn't believe me when I told her we have termites, right?"

"Maybe she did."

Willa raises her eyebrows, "I didn't realize my mother was so gulliable."

"Maybe it was my believe able account of how the school really did have termites." Dylan suggests.

Willa laughs, "Sure. 'Oh, yeah. They're eating everything, right?'"

"Hey, I'm just saying, it's a possibility." Dyaln says.

Willa hears the front door open.

"Willa! Kitty! I'm home!" Vanessa yells.

Willa peers around the corner, "In here!"

Vanessa steps in and spots Willas, "Who are you talking to?"

Willa McElrie (Dylan O'Brien fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now