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Love you!


Willa hums, tossing an M&M in her mouth as she looks at the flashcard, "Okay, so, what is the Renaissance?"

Ember groans, leaning her head against the wall, "Um, revival of art, literature, and learning, which began in Italy in the 1300s and spread across Europe."

"Kind of like espresso bars....." Willa hums, setting the card down and moving onto the next one.

At the foot of the bed, Anthony, who has his laptop in his hands, says, "Hey, should I kill off her brother? I mean, I really want to, but I don't. He's pretty rad."

"Of course you should kill off the brother. Otherwise it totally screws up the rest of the story!" Ember says.

Willa scrunches up her nose, "Yeah, kill him off, I don't like him."

Anthony's mouth drops open as he looks at her, horrified, "He is her brother! He's like super cool!"

Willa shrugs, "If you say so."

"Well, why don't you like him?"

"He's too perfect. Unrealistically perfect."

"He's living a normal life, unlike her!"

Ember groans, "Can you guys argue about this later? Willa, help me study!"

Willa sighs, picking up another card, "Chivalry."

"A code.....that knights lived by.....and.....oh, never mind, I don't know what it is."

Willa looks up at them, "Hey, what are you two doing Friday?"

Anthony hums, thoughtfully, "Hopefully that guy that I met at the library last week....."

"Gross, Anthony!" Ember shoves his shoulder, "Neither of us want to hear about your sex life!"

Anthony grins, "Yeah, it's much better to experience it than to hear about it."

Willa rolls her eyes, "This is not the direction I wanted this conversation to go in."

Ember looks at Willa, "Why? What are you doing?"

"Well, I was going to see if you two and some other friends wanted to come over and just hang out....."

"What 'friends'?" Ember says, jokingly.

Willa rolls her eyes, "Do you want to or not?"

"Sure." Ember says, "Why not."

Anthony sighs, "I'll come if I can't get ahold of that guy at the library."

Willa smirks slightly, "Glad to see your priorities are set right."

Anthony shakes his head, "If you saw him, you'd understand."

"Okay." Willa says, she turns to Ember, grinning, "So, I invited 'Dr. Cute'."

Ember gasps, grinning, "IS THIS A DATE!? ARE YOU DATING HIM!?"

Willa laughs, "No. I just thought.....he could use some time out of the office."

Ember smiles, "Okay, sure."

Willa shakes her head, "There is nothing going on with me and Brian."

"Okay, sure."

Willa McElrie (Dylan O'Brien fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now