Chapter 10: Explain to Me

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Ruby watch Chad about to go to his room, until she remember what Penny said to her.

Penny: Why Y/N and Chad don't have auras ?

She stop in her track, tell to her team she wants to talk to Y/N about something and to not wait for her, goes to Chad, which make him turn his head curious of why she wanted.

Ruby: Umm can I talk to you and Y/N ?

Chad not seeing a problem to that make her enter theirs room. They found Y/N cooking a meal peacefully, however, had a anxious expression on his face in contrast with his action. His attention change from the food to his two friends. His expression soften when he see Ruby.

Y/N: Hm ? Oh, hey ! Finally came back ! Oh, Ruby what are you doing here ?

Ruby: I'm just here to talk about something.

Noticing Ruby's demeanor, Y/N conclude that wasn't going to be a fun moment. He and Chad seat around theirs table and Ruby seat in front of them. Tension could be feel in the room, until Y/N break the silence.

Y/N: So, what do you want to talk about ?

Ruby: Well, Idon'treallyknowhowbutPennycouldsensesomethingstrangewithyoutwoand-

Y/N: Ruby ! Ruby ! Calm down, and breath.

Ruby: Okay... Okay.... You two don't have auras, right ? 



Y/N: Yep. It's true. Chad and me don't have auras.

Ruby: Then what are you doing here ?! It's really, really dangerous ! You can get yourself killed without an aura.

Y/N lean on the back of his chair.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. So ?

Ruby: Are you sure ? I don't want you to get badly hurt because of the grimm.

Chad: We know what can happen to us Ruby. We chose that path knowing that.

Ruby: But-

Y/N: Why are you so adamant on the fact that we're obligatory going to die ?.... Did something happen to you, for thinking that ?

Ruby lower her head, looking at the table. Her mood reach a low point, bad memories

Ruby: That's.... When I was little, I lost my mom. She was gone for a mission, usual grimm hunting, but things did goes as planned and she disappear. Yang was a crying mess for days, and dad... was a wreck.*sniff* I don't want things to repeat again *sniff* with you two. You are my friends.*sniff* I don't want you to die on a grimm mission.

Y/N's eyes widen as he saw Ruby crying, he didn't know why but all he could think of was to hug her. Perhaps her situation was similar to him ? Chad eyes glow slightly, indicating that his semblance was activate. In response to his semblance, Ruby calm down. A few minutes passes and Ruby finally regain her composure.

Ruby: Thank you, both of you.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. Just know that we will not die. Chad or me. It's true that we don't have aura to protect us,but that doesn't mean we are made out of glass either. We are the Exception.

Following that the three chat for a bit, until Ruby goes back to her room, leaving the two fullbringer alone in theirs room. Y/N seat on his bed lost in his thoughts; however he was pull out of it when he heard Chad's voice.

Chad: Y/N, what's going on ?

Y/N look at Chad with a tired look, following by a dry chuckle.

Y/N: ....Nothing escape you huh......

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